Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.
It’s all about bookish lists!
Share your lists and remember to stop by The Broke and the Bookish to see where it all began.
This week’s list:
Top Ten Bookish People You Want To Meet
(Authors, Bloggers, etc.)
The following bookish people rock my socks and I want to take them out for a drink
(or you know, stay in with hot chocolate reading and discussing all aspects of literature):
1. Kara @ Great Imaginations
Kara and I share a deep love of many books, and she’s totally awesome!
2. Belle @ Belle’s Bookshelf
Belle is like my soul-sister-from-another-mister.
3. Vanessa Sei @ Sei Reviews
Sei’s really cool! not only does she write awesome reviews, but she’s insightful about other crap as well!
4. Ashleigh Paige @ The YA Kitten
Ashleigh has the deepest insights into books and a really awesome blog!
5. Skyla @ Happy Go Lucky and Lost in Books
Skyla knows a lot of shit about a lot of shit. Hit her up!
6. Kelly-Jane
Kelly constantly makes me smile. She’s like a little breath of sunshine on a cloudy day. Love her to bits. Also, she doesn’t have a blog.
7. Lauren DeStefano
There are no words to describe Lauren and her books except this: simple perfection.
8. Maria V Snyder
I am late to the Snyder-worshipping crew but she is SO worth it. Love her!
9. Lauren Oliver
The author is the most moving book I have ever read. This woman is pure genius.
10. Kiersten White
Although I’m not a huge fan of her books, I think Kiersten would be fun to go out with. Plus, she’s tiny! Pocket-sized.