Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.
It’s all about bookish lists!
Share your lists and remember to stop by The Broke and the Bookish to see where it all began.
Top Ten Books I Resolve to Read In 2013
1. Insurgent (Divergent #2) by Veronica Roth
2. Beka Cooper trilogy by Tamora Pierce
3. Spark (Sky Chasers #2) by Amy Kathleen Ryan
4. The Dark and Hollow places (Forest of Hands and Teeth #3) by Carrie Ryan
5. Arise (Hereafter #2) by Tara Hudson
6. Legacy trilogy by Cayla Kluver (except I have different covers)
8. Glass trilogy by Maria V Snyder
9. The Poison Diaries by Maryrose Wood