Stacking The Shelves (56)

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Stacking The Shelves is a weekly meme hosted by Tynga’s Reviews.
It’s all about sharing the books we’ve picked up for the week, whether they are bought, borrowed, gifted, galleys, physical or virtual.
Share your shelves and remember to visit Tynga’s Reviews where it all started to find more great books!


Red Hot Dragon (Dragon Heat, #2)

Griffin Cadogan is shocked to see Avani Monroe, sworn enemy of his dragon family, walk into his gym. With his mating phase soon approaching, Griffin is curious as to why she has to come enemy territory knowing the risks. Not only does she surprise Griffin and his cousin, Mad, by coming to enemy territory, but what she wants is borderline insane-Griffin must help her have a baby.

After her mother’s line was annihilated by the Knights, Avani accepted her duty to ensure the continuation of their unique dragon breed. She’s searched the dragon registries and Griffin is the most likely candidate for her crazy plan. Working up the courage to approach a man who considers her an enemy wasn’t easy but she manages to calmly lay out her carefully orchestrated plan.

But Griffin isn’t about to agree to her harsh terms. If she wants him to father her child, he intends to play an active role in his offspring’s life, not simply walk away as she requires. Shocked by her instant attraction to him, she agrees to his terms. Once together, they realize their connection is about more than creating a child, but that happiness is short-lived when Mad suddenly disappears. Knowing the dragon slayers are behind it, Griffin must risk it all to save the ones he loves.

So I don’t normally read erotica but in Dead Sexy Dragon there was a preview of Red Hot Dragon at the end, and I decided then and there I wanted to read the next book. I heard this was on Netgalley so I requested it and luckily was approved!



Crescendo (Hush, Hush, #2)

Nora Grey’s life is still far from perfect. Surviving an attempt on her life wasn’t pleasant, but at least she got a guardian angel out of it. A mysterious, magnetic, gorgeous guardian angel. But despite his role in her life, Patch has been acting anything but angelic. He’s more elusive than ever (if that’s possible) and what’s worse, he seems to be spending time with Nora’s archenemy, Marcie Millar.

Nora would have hardly noticed Scott Parnell, an old family friend who has moved back to town, if Patch hadn’t been acting so distant. Even with Scott’s totally infuriating attitude, Nora finds herself drawn to him – despite her lingering feelings that he is hiding something.

If that weren’t enough, Nora is haunted by images of her murdered father, and comes to question whether her Nephilim bloodline has anything to do with his death. Desperate to figure out what happened, she puts herself in increasingly dangerous situations to get the answer. But maybe some things are better left buried, because the truth could destroy everything – and everyone – she trusts.

Some books you read are just so bad you enjoy them despite hating them with a fiery passion. I’ve recommended this series to people who like 50 Shades of Grey and want another male like Christian. Enter Patch, psycho stalking rapey creep. Why did I buy this? It was $2 and damaged. I still want to give books a home. I’m weak.


Fury (The Fury Trilogy, #1)

Sometimes sorry isn’t enough….

It’s winter break in Ascension, Maine. The snow is falling and everything looks pristine and peaceful. But not all is as it seems…

Between cozy traditions and parties with her friends, Emily loves the holidays. And this year’s even better—the guy she’s been into for months is finally noticing her. But Em knows if she starts things with him, there’s no turning back. Because his girlfriend is Em’s best friend.

On the other side of town, Chase is having problems of his own. The stress of his home life is starting to take its toll, and his social life is unraveling. But that’s nothing compared to what’s really haunting him. Chase has done something cruel…something the perfect guy he pretends to be would never do. And it’s only a matter of time before he’s exposed.

In Ascension, mistakes can be deadly. And three girls—three beautiful, mysterious girls—are here to choose who will pay. Em and Chase have been chosen.

I love Mean Girl books and #firstworldproblems and this seems like a good mix of the two, despite it getting  negative reviews from my friends. It has a 2.29 average friends rating on Goodreads. But I’m brave, and it was $2 and damaged…

The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner (Twilight, #3.5)

Bree Tanner can barely remember life before she had uncannily powerful senses, superhuman reflexes, and unstoppable physical strength. Life before she had a relentless thirt for blood…life before she became a vampire.

All Bree knows is that living with her fellow newborns has few certainties and even fewer rules: watch your back, don’t draw attention to yourself, and above all, make it home by sunrise or die. What she doesn’t know: her time as an immortal is quickly running out.

Then Bree finds an unexpected friend in Diego, a newborn just as curious as Bree about their mysterious creator, whom they only know as her. As they come to realize that the newborns are pawns in a game larger than anything they could have imagined, Bree and Diego must choose sides and decide whom to trust. But when everything you know about vampires is based on a lie, how do you find the truth?

Why? Because unlike most people I’m not ashamed to say that I actually liked the Twilight series. And it was $2 and damaged and needed a home…


About Nemo

A lover of kittens and all things sparkly, Nemo has a degree in English Literature and specialises in reviewing contemporary, paranormal, mystery/thriller, historical, sci-fi and fantasy Young Adult fiction. She is especially drawn to novels about princesses, strong female friendships, magical powers, and assassins.

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25 thoughts on “Stacking The Shelves (56)

  1. Quinn

    I liked Twilight, too! I get so frustrated with all the Twilight hate. I mean, of course, it’s fine to not like it. But people are so mean about it, and always using it for a joke. And that pisses me off.

    1. Nemo

      Of course, yes it is fine not to like it, but it’s equally fine if you do! I have read a LOT worse than Twilight now.

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