Stacking The Shelves is a weekly meme hosted by Tynga’s Reviews.
It’s all about sharing the books we’ve picked up for the week, whether they are bought, borrowed, gifted, galleys, physical or virtual.
Share your shelves and remember to visit Tynga’s Reviews where it all started to find more great books!
For Review
Time is running out for Hannah. With her life hanging by a thread and Tate trying to kidnap her, she finds help in an unusual quarter – the man who put the narcoleptic memory block on her as a child. Yet the powerful hypnotist may not be all that he seems. It’s difficult to trust a man who regularly hypnotizes his wife against her wishes, and who is much too interested in Jack’s unnatural abilities.
With so much at stake, the last thing Hannah and Jack need is to be apart. Yet they cannot touch each other if they want to stay alive.
I’m absolutely amazed that an author can write and publish an entire trilogy in less than 12 months. That’s the power and beauty of self-publishing. I’m so glad I found CJ Archer, because I really love her Freak House trilogy and am both happy and sad that this is the last book from Hannah and Jack.
On the morning of her sixteenth birthday, Renée Winters was still an ordinary girl. She spent her summers at the beach, had the perfect best friend, and had just started dating the cutest guy at school. No one she’d ever known had died. But all that changes when she finds her parents dead in the Redwood Forest, in what appears to be a strange double murder.
After the funeral Renée’s wealthy grandfather sends her to Gottfried Academy, a remote and mysterious boarding school in Maine, where she finds herself studying subjects like Philosophy, Latin, and the “Crude Sciences.”
It’s there that she meets Dante Berlin, a handsome and elusive boy to whom she feels inexplicably drawn. As they grow closer, unexplainable things begin to happen, but Renée can’t stop herself from falling in love. It’s only when she discovers a dark tragedy in Gottfried’s past that she begins to wonder if the Academy is everything it seems.
Little does she know, Dante is the one hiding a dangerous secret, one that has him fearing for her life.
Sounds like just the kind of trashy paranormal Twilight-rip off I need sometimes. Thanks to Disney-Hyperion for making this available on Netgalley!
Ooh Heart Burn looks really intriguing. I hope you enjoy it and your other book! 🙂
Thanks, I’m really looking forward to it!
Grace Fonseca (@princessgrace10)
Heart Burn is new to me, but looks good. Dead Beautiful is popular this week. Come visit me as well.
Books of Love
Dead Beautiful must be popular because it was a Read Now book on Netgalley. I assume a lot of people are interested!
Reviews From A Bookworm
Nice haul! Dead Beautiful looks really great. I hope you enjoy them both 🙂 My STS.
Thanks so much!
Super Librarian (@SuperLibBlog)
I don’t read a lot of paranormal books, but Dead Beautiful sounds interesting. Enjoy your new reads!
Yeah I’m moving away from paranormal and into retellings but this one sounded quite interesting so i thought I’d give it a shot!
Luna's Little Library
Haven’t seen these before, hope you enjoy them. 🙂
Thanks Luna!
Ohh, these sounds awesome! I haven’t heard of them before, but I do like a good (and creepy) paranormal! My StS!
Yeah I’m hoping it’s a little bit different to the stock-standard paranormals but I’m looking forward to it!
Charlotte @ Thoughts and Pens
I am still thinking whether to get Dead Beautiful from NG but I think I should because everyone seems to have them. Yeah, I know. I am easily persuaded.
Have fun reading.
Charlotte @ Thoughts and Pens
LOL you don’t have to get it just because everyone else is! I had no idea it would be this popular.
Ula @ Blog of Erised
Both look good. Must look them up though, haven’t seen them before. 😀
Happy reading!
My haul.
That’s awesome! If you decide to read them, I hope you love them!
Enjoy all of your new books! 🙂 Also, super cute STS badge!!
My StS
Thank you so much! I love it, too.
I have book one of Archer’s series that I need to read still, I almost forgot! Hope you enjoy them! My STS
I hope you really enjoy it! It was one of my favourite books this year!
Those look gorgeous, Hope you enjoy all of these 🙂
Check out my STS this week!
Thanks very much!
I like the cover of Heart Burn
hope you can visit my Stacking the Shelves
It’s gorgeous, isn’t it?