30 Day Animorphs Challenge: Day 9

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Welcome to the Moonlight Library’s 30 Day Animorphs Challenge!
Despite Project Animorphs in 2013, I clearly do not talk about Animorphs enough.
This particular challenge is taken from the Heck Yeah Tumblr Challenges archive on Tumblr.

Day 9: Your least favourite Animorph:

Marco is, and always has been, my least favourite Animorph.

Just look at that SMIRK!

 That’s not to say that I hate him, because I don’t. I just know that if he was on my team I couldn’t stand him, and I’d fight with him all the time much like a combined Rachel/Cassie would. Rachel because he’s a whiner and Cassie because he’s her complete moral opposite. And because he picks on Tobias sometimes. Grrr.

 I appreciate his intelligence and his ruthlessness, but I can’t stand the comedy.

 And actually, out of all of the books, Marco’s had the most that made me cry. He has mother issues up the wazoo, and I can totally relate to him. Maybe that’s also why he’s my least favourite, because I don’t want to identify with a snarky smartass midget who’s obsessed with himself.

 I’m really glad he comes out of the other end of the war successful. He really deserved it.


About Nemo

A lover of kittens and all things sparkly, Nemo has a degree in English Literature and specialises in reviewing contemporary, paranormal, mystery/thriller, historical, sci-fi and fantasy Young Adult fiction. She is especially drawn to novels about princesses, strong female friendships, magical powers, and assassins.

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