Top Ten Popular Authors I’ve Never Read (67)

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Top Ten Popular Authors I’ve Never Read

1. Jamie McGuire: this is more personal than anything else. I won’t read McGuire’s books because she’s known to go after unfavourable reviews. Not risking it.

2. Random Riggs: Simply uninterested in anything he’s written so far.

3. Cassandra Clare: this is personal, too, after Clare tried to get a rival (or maybe someone she just didn’t like) kicked out of her university back in her fan-fic writing days. And also the fact that she copy and pasted her fan fiction into her published. And the fact that she plagiarised when she wrote fanfiction.

4. Holly Black: Nothing she has written has compelled me to reach for or open any of her books.

5. Markus Zusak: So not interested.

6. Kami Garcia: Especially after the film version of Beautiful Creatures bombed, so not interested.

7. Libba Bray: I actually am desperate to read Libba Bray. I think her Gemma Doyle books sound fascinating and I’m keen to hear the audiobook version of The Diviners.

8. Kiera Cass: So not interested in a pseudo-dystopian based on The Bachelor. Nope. The TV show version would have been so much better.

9. Marie Lu: I might be interested in the Legend books in the future, but as yet, zero interest.

10. Jennifer L Armentrout: I am interested in reading the Lux trilogy if only to see what all the hype is about. I’m interested in a couple of her stand-alones as well. The woman’s a machine. She just produces books out the wazoo.


About Nemo

A lover of kittens and all things sparkly, Nemo has a degree in English Literature and specialises in reviewing contemporary, paranormal, mystery/thriller, historical, sci-fi and fantasy Young Adult fiction. She is especially drawn to novels about princesses, strong female friendships, magical powers, and assassins.

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18 thoughts on “Top Ten Popular Authors I’ve Never Read (67)

  1. bookgeeking

    I did not know that about Jamie McGuire, not my kind of thing anyway but good to know. I am the same with Cassandra Clare, I started to read one of her books and then found all that out, so it put me off. I have 4 books of the series so I might try and read them since I have already paid for them, but I can see me waiting a few years.

    1. Nemo

      There’s nothing wrong with waiting a few years. I’ve got books I bought years ago I’ve never been in the mood to read, but probably will be when I get older.

  2. Therin Knite

    To be honest, I haven’t read several of these either. Some of them I picked up from my high school library back in the day, but some of them have never even crossed my to-read list. By the way, I also want to read Libba Bray. I’ve been meaning pick her books up forever.

    1. Nemo

      Yeah, I’m so intrigued but with only 24 hours in a day I just don’t have enough time to get to a Libba Bray book as quickly as I want to!

  3. Tanya Patrice

    I liked seeing your reasoning behind the authors you haven’t read 🙂 Clare I’ve read – liked; Same with Legend by Lu. Of the others, only Holly Black interests me since Coldest Girl in Cold Town was nominated for a Nebula Award.

    1. Nemo

      By all accounts I think Holly Black is a pretty critically acclaimed author. It’s a pity nothing she’s written interests me.

  4. Tez Miller

    I’ve tried Jamie McGuire twice (BEAUTIFUL DISASTER and RED HILL). Didn’t finish either book, because if their beginnings were annoying, the rest would likely be annoying, too.

    I read the first three Mortal Instruments novels, and the first Infernal Devices. I liked them at the time, but when I tried TMI Book 4 and TID Book 2, I just couldn’t get past the first chapter in either of them.

    I liked Holly Black’s WHITE CAT.

    The first three Gemma Doyle books were alright, but Book 4 was just so LONG that it felt like a chore. THE DIVINERS was okay, but not as good as everyone else’s reviews seemed to suggest.

    I own LEGEND, but haven’t read it yet. But I own over 200 books that I haven’t read yet, so nothing personal 😉

  5. ChrissiReads

    Brilliant list. I love how you’ve given your reasoning behind it. I also have Jennifer on my list too. I’m intrigued about everyone raving!

    1. Nemo

      I think it’s only fair to state why I haven’t read some of the most popular authors – apart from the fact that I’m not a sycophant, of course.

    1. Nemo

      It’s not difficult to find the information. Google is useful that way! Unfortunately Clare and her fans like to keep it all quiet.

  6. Jessie

    Interesting list. I’ve not read a few of these for similar reasons. I tripped over a short story from each of the Beautiful Creatures writers and they weren’t bad. Nothing amazing but not bad.

    Here’s my real question though – where the world did you get all the gossip on Clare? I’ve never heard most of that stuff. I feel like I’m in the bathroom in high school again – I feel bad but want to know a bit more!

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