30 Day Animorphs Challenge: Day 13

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Welcome to the Moonlight Library’s 30 Day Animorphs Challenge!
Despite Project Animorphs in 2013, I clearly do not talk about Animorphs enough.
This particular challenge is taken from the Heck Yeah Tumblr Challenges archive on Tumblr.

Day 13: What would you do if given the ability to morph?

When I was a teenager I struggled to find my independence, and this culminated in recurring dreams where I was supposed to be able to fly, but I couldn’t. I had all the equipment – the psychic ability, the wings, sometimes the ability to morph – but I just couldn’t fly. Gravity wasn’t my bitch, it dragged me down. These dreams lasted from my early teens until I moved out of home and struck out on my own, and I’ve never had a ‘supposed to be able to fly but can’t’ dream since.

So my answer to the question what would I do if I could morph is: first I would fly.


Then I’d go experience life as a housecat.

Then I’d try out the eternal happiness of a dog or a dolphin.

I’d probably also fight aliens, because this is hypothetical, right? And I can’t waste all my morph time just dicking around.



About Nemo

A lover of kittens and all things sparkly, Nemo has a degree in English Literature and specialises in reviewing contemporary, paranormal, mystery/thriller, historical, sci-fi and fantasy Young Adult fiction. She is especially drawn to novels about princesses, strong female friendships, magical powers, and assassins.

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