Project Everworld: Book #7 Gateway to the Gods

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Gateway to the Gods (Everworld, #7)

Book 6: Fear the Fantastic
Publishing Date: September 2000
Narrator: April

My rating:

4 of 5 heartsApril and the others have arrived at Mount Olympus, where Christopher rejects his offered immortality as repayment for failing to save Ganymede. The group are forced to become generals in the war between the Hetwan and Olympus, because the gods are incompetent and can’t change or adapt, where as humans for the Old World can.

 This book was like the Battle of Helm’s Deep. It’s basically all preparing for battle, then battle, then aftermath of battle. And I actually didn’t mind it, because although the group have had clear goals and objectives before, this was the first one of those kinds of books that didn’t bore my tears.

The group are beginning to realise that they might prefer their life in Everworld, even though April still fights it. Senna rocks up again, and don’t underestimate her! She may finally have given up magical control of David, but she’s still got her womanly charms and assets to allure him. She also has ulterior motives which are made much clearer in this novel, as the dragging over of the EverWorld four in her wake was very deliberate and in the hopes that she might become an ultimate ruler through them. Her only real threat is Merlin, because he’s a human, and she hopes the others will be able to stop him.

It was fun to read about Applegate’s interpretation of the Olympian gods, because they’re probably the ones I know best. It was an interesting concept to see that the difference between immortals and mortals is that immortals can not and do not change, and even Athena, who seemed to be the darling of this book, was aware of that. I mean, even Zues nearly fell for the whole ‘surrender all but your favourites and I *promise* I won’t eat you even though you’ll be helpless’ trick from Ka Anor. Thankfully the Old World group was around to call them gods idiots for even considering it.

After this exciting episode I’m not sure what to expect next.


About Nemo

A lover of kittens and all things sparkly, Nemo has a degree in English Literature and specialises in reviewing contemporary, paranormal, mystery/thriller, historical, sci-fi and fantasy Young Adult fiction. She is especially drawn to novels about princesses, strong female friendships, magical powers, and assassins.

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