Stacking The Shelves is a weekly meme hosted by Tynga’s Reviews.
It’s all about sharing the books we’ve picked up for the week, whether they are bought, borrowed, gifted, galleys, physical or virtual.
Share your shelves and remember to visit Tynga’s Reviews where it all started to find more great books!
The Ruby Circle (Bloodlines #6) by Richelle Mead
Fairest (The Lunar Chronicles #3.5) by Marissa Meyer
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Renee Bookboyfriends
Oooooh!!! Lovely! Hey, are the Finishing School books a steampunk genre series? 🙂
Hop you enjoy The Ruby Circle!
Yeah, I’m pretty sure they are! I bought the first one a while ago but haven’t had time to read it. It’s a paranormal historical steampunk kinda thing I think.
I’ve tried a few steampunk books and just haven’t liked any of them. I’m not really sure why I didn’t take to them…oh well, less books to read! Hope you enjoy your books this week!
I’ve liked some and greatly disliked others. I’m more interested in the historical/paranormal setting than the steampunk technology itself, but it’s all fun.
I’ve purchased Fairest this week too!
Enjoy your books!
Book twins! *high five*
Grace Fonseca
Nice haul of books this week. I see that you got The Ruby Circle. The Gail Carringer books have lovely covers indeed.
Grace @ Books of Love
Tsuki @ Tsuki's Books
I haven’t read any of these but happy reading!
Tsuki’s STS
Great haul! Fairest is one that I’ve been seeing around tons lately. I still have to catch up on the Lunar Chronicles series because I’ve only read the first book! I’ll definitely have to marathon the ones that are out soon. Thank you for sharing and I hope you have a great week! 🙂
Krystianna @ Downright Dystopian
I’ve only read the first book in the Lunar Chronicles too, but I’ve got Scarlet and Cress as well. I’m waiting until Winter comes out so I can read them all at once.
I just LOVE your blog header and design, the colors are so beautiful! It looks like you got some great books this week as well. I really need to read Cress so that I can read Fairest as well!
Tiffany @ Beneath the Jacket Reviews
Thank you so much!
I desperately need to read Fairest and those two Carriger books! I need to take a break from my ARCs and read those!
-Jon from Bookish Antics!