So I started this feature called Toppling the TBR pile which I haven’t done many of this year because honestly, with my epic reading slump and major life changes I’m just not that excited about the older books I’ve discovered when I feel I’m already ‘so far behind’ on my regular review books and other reading. But I do have a massive TBR pile. At time of blogging, it’s over 400 books, and that’s not including the ones I’ve already put on exclusive shelves like ‘borrow from library’ or ‘buy for Kindle’.
A blogger called Lia from Lost in a Story created a kind of meme thingy called Down the TBR Hole that aims to cut your TBR pile of the books you no longer want to read and remind yourself of the ones you do want to read. I already have a system for getting books off my TBR pile and into the shelves I mentioned above but I don’t often ruthlessly cull the ones I’m no longer interested in, so I’m going to give this a shot and see how I go.
The process:
- Go to your Goodreads to-read shelf.
- Order on ascending date added.
- Take the first 5-10 (or more if you’re feeling adventurous) books.
- Read the synopses of the books
- Decide: keep it or should it go?
I actually have this system where I go through my TBR books and check if my library has a copy, then check Amazon for my Kindle and to find the best deal for a paid-for copy, and I’ve been doing that for a while. This means that the books at the very top of my TBR pile? I haven’t been able to easily find copies. So I’m going to try to be a bit ruthless even though they’ve been there since 2012.
The Sleep of Stone by Louise Cooper
Louise Cooper is one of my all-time favourite writers, and since she’s dead now, I don’t exactly have a chance to read anything new. Besides, I like shapeshifters: this one stays.
Popular by Alissa Grosso
Although I do love contemporary YA set in schools, this seems like another pretty run of the mill book. To be sure, I went and spoiled the ‘massive twist’ that causes such divisive opinions on this book and I’m pretty sure I’m fine without it: this one goes.
Northangey Abbey and Angel and Dragons by Jane Austen and Vera Nazarian
To be honest, I’ve not read any of these twisted classics, but I have read Northanger Abbey and it was very good, and I get the kind of idea of the twisted classics because I’ve seen the Pride and Prejudice and Zombies film, but I don’t particularly feel like reading Northanger Abbey again anymore and if I did, why would I want some weird bastardized version? This one goes.
The Day Before by Lisa Shroeder
I initially added this book because I’ve never read a book written in verse before, but I think I’m over the typically YA contemporary romance. Flicking through friends’ reviews, I’m comfortable letting this one go.
Where it Began by Amy Redisch Stampler
I must have been going through a contemporary YA phase when I added this. It’s your typical YA contemporary romance and after flicking through some reviews and spoiling the ‘twist’ I’m no longer interested: this one can go.
Removed: 4
Kept: 1
What do you think? Should I have kept any books? Have you read any, and what did you think of them? Let me know in the comments!
Kathy Martin
I’ve been looking at my TBR mountain lately too. I have books on it since 2008. I had a great goal a couple of years ago to read one of the oldies a month but it never happened. They were pushed aside by review books and newer, shinier books. My big problem is that I don’t know what to do with books I’m getting rid of. I just moved to a new area and am not yet familiar with the used book stores.
Fall Into Books Reading Challenge: Day 10 #FallinBooks – The Moonlight Library
[…] I try to whittle this ‘Want to Read’ list down every so often by checking to make sure I still want to read the book, and then finding out when I can get a copy. I made a series on this called Culling the TBR Pile. […]