#LoveOzYABlogger: Maps

#LoveOzYABloggers is a meme to fuel the conversation providing themed prompts that bloggers or anyone on social media can respond to fortnightly.
#LoveOzYABloggers is hosted by #LoveOzYA, a community led organisation dedicated to promoting Australian young adult literature. Keep up to date with all new Aussie YA releases with their monthly newsletter, or find out what’s happening with News and Events, or submit your own!


Today we’re looking at 3 maps from the opening pages of beloved Australian YA series.

Please note that I could not take photographs myself as my books are currently in storage.

The Silver Brumby by Elyne Mitchell

If you think I talk a lot about The Silver Brumby, you’re absolutely right. I haven’t read broadly enough in Aussie YA and my experience is quite limited. However, this map shows you where Thowra has his adventures. You can easily flip back to the front of the book to check out where Thowra is along his journey to becoming king of the Cascade brumbies.


The Old Kingdom by Garth Nix

There’s quite a bit of travel involved in this series as well and it’s cool to be able to look at where everyone is at any given time. It’s also nice to see the north/south Old Kingdom/Ancestierre divide. Of course, a lot more of the books take place in the Old Kingdom, but it’s nice to see Ancelstierre all the same.


The Obernewtyn Chronicles by Isobelle Carmody

 I wish I could find a better map than this because I swear when I had hard copies the secret was that you could turn the map upside down and recognise Australia. The story was that the world had literally flipped when the old weapons were used, turning the Obernewtyn world into a post-apocalyptic dystopian where some people had all kinds of mental abilities.


About Nemo

A lover of kittens and all things sparkly, Nemo has a degree in English Literature and specialises in reviewing contemporary, paranormal, mystery/thriller, historical, sci-fi and fantasy Young Adult fiction. She is especially drawn to novels about princesses, strong female friendships, magical powers, and assassins.

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