Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme created by The Broke and the Bookish
and hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.
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Top Ten Three Characters I Liked Books I Did Not
This is supposed to be a Top Ten, but I scoured the books I disliked and pretty much all of them had characters I felt pretty apathetic about, or actively disliked, except for these three:
Aphrodite from the House of Night series by PC Cast
(Please note that I have only read up to book 6 in this series and even that is shameful to admit)
Zoey Redbird is perfect, so of course her main antagonist in the first few books in this series was Aphrodite, a sexually liberated, thin, blonde, pretty girl that Zoey hates because she’s sexually liberated, thin, blonde, and pretty.
Aphrodite grew on me because she’s the only character who tells it like it is (except for the ‘retards’ comment, which Cast basically threw in there to make a point when criticised, Trying to reinforce Aphrodite for using ‘retard’ doesn’t work if the other characters painted as good guys throw it around without consequence). Also, Zoey is so perfect it actually hurts me to read about her, so Aphrodite is awesome for not falling for her bullshit. Aphrodite is slut-shamed even though Zoey engages in sexual activities she herself would claim are just as bad if not worse. The best part is that Aphrodite, whilst keeping her snark and general unhelpfulness, becomes somewhat of a reluctant ally to Zoey and her group of goody-goodies, and my absolute favourite trope of all time is the redeemed bad guy.
I love to hate this series and basically the only reason I want to finish it one day is because I want to see Zoey suffer and Aphrodite rise above everyone.
Buruu from Stormdancer by Jay Kristoff
I didn’t hate this book, I just didn’t particularly like it. It just didn’t work for me. Kristoff is a really beautiful writer, and despite on paper this having lots of things I should love, I failed to connect to pretty much everyone except Buruu.
Buruu is the griffin, the thunder lion, the arashitora that bonds with sixteen year old Yukiko. He has a great sense of loyalty and honour and speaks in ALL CAPITALS. He’s hostile to Yukiko at first, but then they bond, and he kind of evolves from a wounded wild animal to an eloquent, carin friend and refers to her as a sister.
As a love of all things cat and lots of big animals, I love him, I want him, I want to keep him.
Senna from Everworld
While I love and adore each of the Animorphs, Applegate went in a different direction with the characters from Everworld and I’m not really a big fan of any of them.
Except for 16 year old Senna who, knowing she is different from the start, schemes to take over Everworld.
As a small child she shapeshifts into Gollum from Lord of the Rings to scare her half-sister. I mean, how cool is that? You gotta admire her. She’s actually a very powerful witch, smart, manipulative, and a control freak, and she will fuck you up if you mess with her.
And even this is a stretch because I didn’t really hate or dislike Everworld, in fact in some places it was really good, I just remember that it wasn’t half as good as Animorphs.
Lauren @ Always Me
I actually loved both the Everworld (I don’t know if I would now though) and the Animorphs books. 🙂
Lauren @ Always Me