Teen Wolf Book Tag

Hiya readers! I’m not a big tag-doer but when I find a good one that is about a fandom I love, I love to jump in! There is a Teen Wolf Book Tag originally created by Unaplopusandante. I’m taking most of the inspiration from her tag but I don’t like some of her questions so […]

Pokemon Go Book Tag

Aentee from Read at Midnight created the Pokemon Go Book Tag. All images belong to her and are used with permission. Aentee says: By the time I post this, you’re probably already well aware of the global sensation that is Pokemon Go. This blog and other parts of my life have been 100% neglected in […]

Hamilton Book Tag

I know it seems like I’m jumping on the bandwagon doing this Hamilton book tag, but in reality I generally don’t do book tags and also no one tagged me. However, because this is about Hamilton, that makes this different. Like everyone doing the tag, I’m kind of obsessed with this musical at the moment. […]

Book Tag: How I Read

Thanks to Bookloving Writer. How do you find out about new books to read? I followed Cuddlebuggery’s Hot New Releases when they were updated consistently, and also through Goodreads, Booklikes, and through browsing at bookshops. Publishers send me ARCs and review copies, and sometimes I’ll look at the new publishing deals some bloggers post. How […]