Musing By Moonlight: Sex in YA Fiction

Welcome to Musing by Moonlight, where I take the opportunity to get off my chest anything and everything to do with books. Or maybe not. Depends how I feel. Sex in YA Fiction Some time ago I came across a blog post written by Mostly Book Obsessed about how she wished there was more sex […]

Musing By Moonlight: Cutting back on blogging

Welcome to my new series of posts Musing by Moonlight, where I take the opportunity to get off my chest anything and everything to do with books. Or maybe not. Depends how I feel. Cutting back on blogging After eighteen months of posting at least five times a week and sometimes seven, I’m making a […]

Musing Monday (1)

Musing Monday is a weekly meme hosted by MizB at Should Be Reading. Muse about one of the following each week: Describe one of your reading habits Tell us what book(s) you recently bought for yourself or someone else What book are you currently desperate to get your hands on what you’re reading right now, […]

Musing By Moonlight: Abandoning a Series

Welcome to my new series of posts Musing by Moonlight, where I take the opportunity to get off my chest anything and everything to do with books. Or maybe not. Depends how I feel. Abandoning a Series I love to read a good book series, but if I don’t absolutely love the first book (or […]