Do You Keep Duplicate Books?

If you’ve ever found yourself gazing lovingly at your bookshelves, only to realize that you have not one, but multiple copies of the same book, you’re not alone. Welcome to the world of duplicate books, where the allure of a beloved story transcends its single edition. Join us as we dive into the fascinating phenomenon […]

Why I’d Choose the Real World Over Fictional Fantasies

I want to talk about the idea of living in a fictional world. While many readers dream of stepping into the pages of their favourite books and becoming part of the stories they adore, I’d like to share a different perspective. The Allure of Fictional Worlds There’s an undeniable allure to the idea of stepping […]

Where Do You Stop Reading?

Hello, fellow book lovers! Have you ever wondered about the unique points where readers decide to pause, stop, or even give up on a book altogether? The rhythm of reading is as diverse as the stories we immerse ourselves in. Join us as we delve into the intriguing world of where readers choose to hit […]

Cliffhanger vs breadcrumbing

Cliffhanger vs breadcrumbing When reading a book in a series, it’s common to encounter an ending that leaves you hanging, waiting for the next instalment. This is known as a cliffhanger. While it may be tempting for authors to leave readers on the edge of their seats, this tactic can often backfire and leave readers […]

Author Self-Insertion vs #ownvoices

Self-Insertion vs #ownvoices In recent years, there has been a push for #OwnVoices stories – stories where the author shares the same marginalized identity as the characters they are writing. The idea behind this movement is to increase representation and authenticity in literature. However, this push for #OwnVoices has led to an unfair stigma against […]

Standalone Titles Are Underrated

Standalone books are often overlooked in favour of a series, but they deserve more attention. While there’s something satisfying about following the same characters over multiple books, standalone novels offer their own unique benefits. First and foremost, standalone books offer a complete story arc in a single package. There’s no need to wait for the […]

Book Recaps: Yay or Nay?

What do you think about authors recapping the previous book before the first chapter? For readers who are invested in a series, waiting for the next installment can be a challenge, particularly if it’s been a while since they last picked up the story. In such cases, some authors choose to provide a recap of […]

3 things the YA community HATE but other communities LOVE

I have been spending less time in the YA community lately, as part of my ‘stepping back’ from both reviewing and the online community in general. Subsequently, I’ve been spending more time in the indie adult book community. Specifically, I’ve been interacting more with readers who devour indie published books. The ravenous readers. As this […]

Stepping Back From the Online Book Community

Recently I’ve taken a step back from the online book community, mostly the YA space. This has been for a couple of reasons. The first is that I think the YA community has really moved to Instagram and Tiktok and really values aesthetics much more than writing book reviews. I value my privacy and I’m […]