Bookish and the Beast (Once Upon a Con #3) by Ashley Poston

So basically my favourite fairy tale taking place in my favourite fake fandom (Starfield) by one of my most recent favourite authors… I just loved everything about this book. It’s the third in a series, so the worldbuilding was already established and didn’t need to be as heavy as the previous two books – though […]

Among the Beasts & Briars by Ashley Poston

I was looking forward to this book so much, because I love stories about magical girls who save the day, and I also love foxes, so I was super keen to read about a magical girl who had a fox companion and a creepy, cursed forest. Unfortunately I got really sick and was unable to […]

Red Hood by Elana K Arnold

When you first received this book for review, you were a little uncertain. Would it be as awesome as Damsel? Could a strange, unearthly, almost-retelling of Little Red Riding Hood ever live up to your admittedly high expectations? You almost psyched yourself out and didn’t request it, after all. But once you opened it and […]

A Thousand Beginnings and Ending Edited by Ellen Oh

I was really interested in reading this book because of #weneeddiversebooks and #ownvoices, so when the audiobook came up as available at my local library, I pounced. It’s really hard to review an anthology as a whole, but here goes: Most of the stories were phenomenal. Not only because they were taking stories I was […]

The Great Hunt by Wendy Higgins

I actually had a hard time believing this was published in 2016 since it seems to be a direct response to  Twilight in the brooding boy/star-crossed girl romance. I was sure it had been published in 2008 or so, as a direct response to the emotionally abusive Twilight relationship. Paxton is just so damn rude […]

Damsel by Elena K Arnold

My friend Emily May called this an ‘’ugly, awful little book” and she’s absolutely right, it is ugly, it is awful, and it is absolutely awesome. I found Damsel to be highly readable once I figured out it was quirky and whimsical (it took me about two pages). I also found it to be serious […]

Girls Made of Snow and Glass

I’m so torn about how I feel about this audiobook. It was just. So. LONG. But then, every word was worth it? So how can I say, maybe it would have been better if it was split in half and delivered in two novels when I freaking hate when authors do that. But I had […]

Hunted by Meagan Spooner

I originally received a copy of this book for review from Edelweiss, but I have listened to the audiobook for the purposes of this review.   Marketed as a retelling of Beauty and the Beast, which is only my favourite fairytale, no big deal, starring a girl in a cloak on the cover and with […]

This Little Mermaid Prequel is Delightfully Wicked-esque

Sea Witch was marketed as a prequel to The Little Mermaid meets Wicked, and since I love both, I immediately requested to read and review this. It’s the story of Evie, a young Danish girl secretly a witch, and what she’ll do to save the people she loves. If you know either The Little Mermaid […]

Soundless by Richelle Mead

Soundless by Richelle Mead

SUMMARY Trapped atop a mountain, Fei finds when her hearing returns that she is the only person who can help her deaf community who are slowly being worked to death in dangerous mines in exchange for barely enough food to survive. WORLDBUILDING I loved the worldbuilding in Soundless. I loved how bleak Fei’s initial mountain […]