Dog Driven by Terry Lynn Johnson

I have been dealing with the passing of my beloved sweetheart kitty, so I wanted to bury myself in a book about beloved animals. My first thought was, what’s better than the reliable companionship of a sled dog? So I sought out this book from my local library. This boo is about a 14 year […]

DNF: Tell The Wind and Fire by Sarah Rees Brennan

DNF: Tell The Wind and Fire by Sarah Rees Brennan

I’m not usually one to say a character is ever outright stupid, but Lucie must be the stupidest of any heroine I’ve ever read, and that includes Bella ‘my life revolves around a vampire who wants to kill me’ Swan and Nora ‘sexual assault is sexy’ Grey. There’s heat of the moment act-first-think-later bad decisions, […]