How We Roll by Natasha Friend

How We Roll was a sweet, short little book I read in a few hours in the early hours of the morning one night when I couldn’t sleep. It tells a story of self-acceptance from the point of view of a teen girl with alopecia, and her unlikely but endearing and bumpy friendship with a […]

Beautiful Broken Girls

Beautiful Broken Girls

Man, these girls were broken long before anyone even died. Two sisters lead a completely sheltered life and when their promiscuous cousin dies, they seemingly commit suicide by drowning in the local quarry pool shortly afterwards. The younger sister, Mina, left several notes to her ex-boyfriend explaining why they died but in a convoluted way […]

After The Woods by Kim Savage

After The Woods by Kim Savage

SUMMARY A year ago, Julia Spunk sacrificed herself to save her best friend from a paroled predator in the woods. Now a girl’s body has been found, and Julia’s new therapist is upending memories she’d suppressed of her terrifying 48 hour ordeal. But Julia’s more interested in the downward spiral her BFF Liv has gotten […]