Top Ten Books to Get in the Halloween Spirit (8)

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This week’s list:

Top Ten Books To Get In The Halloween Spirit

Halloween! We don’t really celebrate it here in Australia (although the shops certainly want us to – consumerism, y’all!) but to me, Halloween is all about vampires and werewolves and creepy otherworldly stuff!

Halfway to the Grave (Night Huntress, #1)

1. Halfway to the Grave (Night Huntress #1) by Jeaniene Frost

One Foot in the Grave (Night Huntress, #2)

2. One Foot in the Grave (Night Huntress #2) by Jeaniene Frost

At Grave's End (Night Huntress, #3)

3. At Grave’s End (Night Huntress #3 )by Jeaniene Frost

Destined for an Early Grave (Night Huntress, #4)

4. Destined for an Early Grave (Night Huntress #4) by Jeaniene Frost

This Side of the Grave (Night Huntress, #5)

5. This Side of the Grave (Night Huntress #5) by Jeaniene Frost

One Grave at a Time (Night Huntress, #6)

6. One Grave at a Time (Night Huntress #6) by Jeaniene Frost

Vampire Academy (Vampire Academy, #1)

7. Vampire Academy (Vampire Academy #1) by Richelle Mead

Shiver (The Wolves of Mercy Falls, #1)

8. Shiver (Wolves of Mercy Falls #1) by Maggie Stiefvater

Nevermore (Nevermore, #1)

9. Nevermore (Nevermore #1) by Kelly Creagh

Paranormalcy (Paranormalcy, #1)

10 Paranormalcy (Paranormalcy #1) by Kiersten White


About Nemo

A lover of kittens and all things sparkly, Nemo has a degree in English Literature and specialises in reviewing contemporary, paranormal, mystery/thriller, historical, sci-fi and fantasy Young Adult fiction. She is especially drawn to novels about princesses, strong female friendships, magical powers, and assassins.

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