December Wrap Up And Giveaway Winner

News I hope everyone had a great Christmas! Hubby and I went to my parents and ate way too much food and then went home and played with our cats. We really love spending time by ourselves, but we don’t want to offend family by not showing up on Christmas! And the good news is […]

Top Ten Bookish Goals For 2015 (86)

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. It’s all about bookish lists! Share your lists and remember to stop by The Broke and the Bookish to see where it all began. Top Ten Bookish Goals For 2015 BOOKISH Request less books so I can get to the bottom […]

Book Review: Impulse by Vanessa Garden

Book Review: Impulse by Vanessa Garden

SUMMARY Miranda Sun has returned to the underwater city of Marin where her dream boy, the young king Marko, awaits, but somehow her sister Lauren has managed to tag along! With her own agenda, Lauren manages to ruin everything – but the biggest question is why is Marko being so cold towards Miranda? Doesn’t he […]

Stacking the Shelves (105)

Stacking The Shelves is a weekly meme hosted by Tynga’s Reviews. It’s all about sharing the books we’ve picked up for the week, whether they are bought, borrowed, gifted, galleys, physical or virtual. Share your shelves and remember to visit Tynga’s Reviews where it all started to find more great books!  (Click on the cover […]

Book Review: Captive by Aimee Carter

Book Review: Captive by Aimee Carter

Spoilers for Book 1: Pawn SUMMARY Kitty Doe decided to continue her disguise as Lila Hart, niece to the Prime Minister of the dystpian United States of America. That is, until she was caught snooping and promptly sent Elsewhere – the nightmare otherworld where un-citizens and the elderly are sent. Kitty discovers Elsewhere is more […]

Happy Holidays!

From the Moonlight Library to you, our readers, have a wonderful day whether you’re with family or not. All the kittens agree.   Twitter 2 Facebook 0 Subscribe to Blog via Email Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Email Address Subscribe Join 1,830 other […]

Waiting on The Glass Arrow by Kristen Simmons (112)

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Breaking The Spine. It’s all about spotlighting upcoming releases we’re eagerly anticipating. Share your books and remember to visit Breaking The Spine for more great books! This week I’m eagerly waiting on: The Glass Arrow by Kristen Simmons Expected publication: 10th February 2015 Publisher: Tor Teen […]

Project Everworld: Book #12 Entertain the End

Book 12: Entertain the End Narrator: April My rating: April and the EverWorld gang, minus Senna for obvious reasons, have one final quest now that the gateway has been closed forever: get King Baldwin of the dwarfs on their side and free Thor who will somehow make it so they can defeat Ka Anor and […]

Page to Screen: Mockingjay Part 1

Page to Screen is a new original feature I’m experimenting with where I talk about film adaptations of YA books. This isn’t a review as such, more just my thoughts on the film. I loved this installment of the film series, and I can understand why they split the book in two and ended it where they […]

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