Top Ten Settings I’d Like To See More Of (Or At All) (21)

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.
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Top Ten Settings I’d Like To See More Of (Or At All)

Please note – all original images have been removed due to potential content violation. We are not risking it.

1. I’d love to see more books set on planets or moons that revolve so slowly they always have one constant dark side. So there is a definite line between dark and light side of the planet/moon.

2. I’d love to see more books set underwater – not necessarily mermaid books, but books from the point of view of dolphins or people living in space-ship-like living quarters under the water. Maybe a research facility or something.

3. I’d love to see more books that take place in a desert where water is more precious than money, like Dune.

4. I’d love to see more books set in ancient Greece and Rome, like Xena but in book form. Not re-telling the myth but telling the actual myth.

5. I’d love to see more books set on small Australian islands. Like Kangaroo Island or Macquarie Island. I think it would be great for a romance novel.

6. I’d love to see more books like Amy Kathleen Ryan’s Glow where the space ship is travelling through something OTHER than space – for example, in Glow, they are travelling through a dust cloud nebula thing. Space with no stars!

7. I’d like to see more English language books set in European places, like Lainie Taylor’s Daughter of Smoke and Bone was set in Prague.

8. I’d like to see more English language books taking place in Asia, like Jay Kristoff’s Stormdancer. (The only reason I say ‘English’ is because it’s the only language I read. No bias intended.)

9. I’d like to see more books set in the future. You can NEVER have too many, because each author’s interpretation of the future is so different.
(PS – do you know how hard it is to find pictures of the future?! I’m not sure I know what’s going on in this one…!)

10. I’d like to see more books take place on the extreme cold, like the Arctic tundra or Antarctica during summer.


About Nemo

A lover of kittens and all things sparkly, Nemo has a degree in English Literature and specialises in reviewing contemporary, paranormal, mystery/thriller, historical, sci-fi and fantasy Young Adult fiction. She is especially drawn to novels about princesses, strong female friendships, magical powers, and assassins.

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