No Post On Sundays (10)

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No Post on Sundays is Young Adult At Heart’s Sunday link dump, a collection of posts from other bloggers we’ve found interesting or share-worthy throughout the week. This isn’t a real blog post. And yes, that is a Harry Potter reference.

On Books

Nikki from Alice In Wonderbookland tells us the story of her bookshelves.

Jackie from Books & Tea talks to us about library fines and her current loot.

Alexandria from The Books Buzz reviews the Novel Tea subscription box.

Jamie from The Perpetual Page Turned updates us on her Bookshelf Tidying Project.

Bec from Readers in Wonderland wants to know to re-read or not to re-read?

Kristen from Metaphors and Moonlight wants to know what age protagonist do you prefer?

Shannon from It Starts at Midnight talks about why she’s picky with book endings.

Amy from Book Enthrall tells us why she’s stopped caring about ARCs.

Mara from Mara Was Here wants to know if we’ve hesitated to read a book.

Nicole from Feed Your Fiction Addiction talks about her series dilemma.

Nisha from A Running Commentary tells us about book aesthetics.

On Blogging

Ava from Bookishness and Tea was a busy little bee and wrote three discussion posts: how long should our blog posts be?,  the Pros and Cons of weekly memes, and How To Read More.

Wren from The Bookmato Chronicles tells us to love our numbers.

Holly from The Fox’s Hideaway tells us what makes blogging worth it for her.

Lyn from Great Imagination shares her Book Blogging Blues with us.

Jess @ Princessica of Books guest posted on Bookish Serendipity and told us about the importance of commenting.

Tonyalee from Lily Bloom Books wants to know if social media is too much of a good thing?

Parajunkee offers a tutorial in choosing colours for your blog design.

Brittany from The Book Addicts Guide offers some tips on spring cleaning your books and blog.

Alyssa from The Devil Orders Takeout challenged book readers to stop making these mistakes.

On Fandom

Tasya from The Literary Huntress talks about remakes and adaptations.

Emiy from Loony Literate wants to know if JK Rowling has lost her magic.

Aila from One Way or an Author demonstrates a step-by-step guide to creating her awesome fan art.


About Nemo

A lover of kittens and all things sparkly, Nemo has a degree in English Literature and specialises in reviewing contemporary, paranormal, mystery/thriller, historical, sci-fi and fantasy Young Adult fiction. She is especially drawn to novels about princesses, strong female friendships, magical powers, and assassins.

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