Can’t Wait For – September 2020 edition

Can’t Wait Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Wishful Endings. It replaced Waiting on Wednesday (formerly hosted by Breaking The Spine) as the weekly meme spotlighting upcoming releases we’re eagerly anticipating.
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I was very sick in August and September 2020. I was hospitalised and nearly died, so I missed being able to do my Can’t Wait For posts for September 2020. Here’s a look back at the books I wanted to feature for Can’t Wait For in September 2020.

The Other Side of the Sky (The Other Side of the Sky, #1)

The Other Side of the Sky by Amie Kaufman and Meagan Spooner

Publication date: 8 September 2020

Publisher: HarperTeen

From Goodreads:

New York Times bestselling author duo Amie Kaufman and Meagan Spooner have crafted a gripping tale of magic and logic, fate and choice, and a deadly love. Perfect for fans of Laini Taylor and Brandon Sanderson.

Prince North’s home is in the sky, in a gleaming city held aloft by intricate engines, powered by technology. Nimh is the living goddess of her people on the Surface, responsible for providing answers, direction—hope.

North’s and Nimh’s lives are entwined—though their hearts can never be. Linked by a terrifying prophecy and caught between duty and fate, they must choose between saving their people or succumbing to the bond that is forbidden between them.

Why I Can’t Wait for this book:

I’m drawn to the sky city and the concept of the living earth goddess, and both of these characters have important positions in their society and probably huge responsibilities. I think it would make quite a good forbidden love story.


The Left-Handed Booksellers of London

The Left-Handed Booksellers of London by Garth Nix

Publication date: 22 September 2020

Publisher: Katherine Tegan Books

From Goodreads:

A girl’s quest to find her father leads her to an extended family of magical fighting booksellers who police the mythical Old World of England when it intrudes on the modern world. From the bestselling master of teen fantasy, Garth Nix.

In a slightly alternate London in 1983, Susan Arkshaw is looking for her father, a man she has never met. Crime boss Frank Thringley might be able to help her, but Susan doesn’t get time to ask Frank any questions before he is turned to dust by the prick of a silver hatpin in the hands of the outrageously attractive Merlin.

Merlin is a young left-handed bookseller (one of the fighting ones), who with the right-handed booksellers (the intellectual ones), are an extended family of magical beings who police the mythic and legendary Old World when it intrudes on the modern world, in addition to running several bookshops.

Susan’s search for her father begins with her mother’s possibly misremembered or misspelt surnames, a reading room ticket, and a silver cigarette case engraved with something that might be a coat of arms.

Merlin has a quest of his own, to find the Old World entity who used ordinary criminals to kill his mother. As he and his sister, the right-handed bookseller Vivien, tread in the path of a botched or covered-up police investigation from years past, they find this quest strangely overlaps with Susan’s. Who or what was her father? Susan, Merlin, and Vivien must find out, as the Old World erupts dangerously into the New.

Why I Can’t Wait for this book:

  1. So basically I will read any of Nix’s modern YA books, I basically think he’s a storytelling genius.
  2. The title is so intriguing! Why does it matter whether the booksellers are left-handed or not? (I’m not left-handed, but my older brother is, and he completely lorded it over me growing up, and I was really jealous.)
  3. Katherine Tegan Books really gel quite well with me, they’re one of my favourite publishers and I’m pretty sure I’ve loved nearly every book by them that I’ve read.


Solutions and Other Problems

Solutions and Other Problems by Allie Brosh

Publication date: 22 September 2020

Publisher: Gallery Books

From Goodreads:

For the first time in seven years, Allie Brosh—beloved author and artist of the extraordinary #1 New York Times bestseller Hyperbole and a Half—returns with a new collection of comedic, autobiographical, and illustrated essays.

Solutions and Other Problems includes humorous stories from Allie Brosh’s childhood; the adventures of her very bad animals; merciless dissection of her own character flaws; incisive essays on grief, loneliness, and powerlessness; as well as reflections on the absurdity of modern life.

This full-color, beautifully illustrated edition features all-new material with more than 1,600 pieces of art. Solutions and Other Problems marks the return of a beloved American humorist who has “the observational skills of a scientist, the creativity of an artist, and the wit of a comedian” (Bill Gates).

Why I Can’t Wait for this book:

I enjoyed Allie’s previous book, Hyperbole and a Half, and I know she’s had a really difficult time producing this book, and I’d love to support her and also have a chuckle since she’s genuinely funny.



Shine by Jessica Jung

Publication date: 29 September 2020

Publisher: Simon Pulse

From Goodreads:

A Korean American teen is thrust into the competitive, technicolor world of K-pop, from Jessica Jung, K-pop legend and former lead singer of Girls Generation.

What would you give for a chance to live your dreams?

For seventeen-year-old Korean American Rachel Kim, the answer is almost everything. Six years ago, she was recruited by DB Entertainment—one of Seoul’s largest K-pop labels, known for churning out some of the world’s most popular stars. The rules are simple: Train 24/7. Be perfect. Don’t date. Easy right?

Not so much. As the dark scandals of an industry bent on controlling and commodifying beautiful girls begin to bubble up, Rachel wonders if she’s strong enough to be a winner, or if she’ll end up crushed… Especially when she begins to develop feelings for K-pop star and DB golden boy Jason Lee. It’s not just that he’s charming, sexy, and ridiculously talented. He’s also the first person who really understands how badly she wants her star to rise.

Why I Can’t Wait for this book:

I literally don’t know anything about K-pop, but this blurb intrigues me. I love reading about the trade-off and sacrifices people make for fame.




About Nemo

A lover of kittens and all things sparkly, Nemo has a degree in English Literature and specialises in reviewing contemporary, paranormal, mystery/thriller, historical, sci-fi and fantasy Young Adult fiction. She is especially drawn to novels about princesses, strong female friendships, magical powers, and assassins.

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