The Study of Poisons by Maria V Snyder

3.5 stars, rounded up to 4 for Goodreads. “The Study of Poisons” is a modern high fantasy companion novel to “Poison Study,” and it’s narrated from the perspective of the beloved assassin, Valek. The story retells the events of “Poison Study” from Valek’s viewpoint, offering readers a different lens through which to view the narrative. […]

The Eyes of Tamburah by Maria V Snyder

Maria V Snyder is one of my all-time favourite authors, and I have loved everything of hers that I’ve read so far. I love her characters and their relationships, her magic systems, her world building, and I really love that you can recognise Snyder’s favourite tropes in different series. For example, Snyder loves to put […]

Navigating the Stars by Maria V Snyder

Although I prefer to read fantasy these days, sci-fi was actually my first love (please don’t tell my fantasy books). I’ve read and loved almost all of Snyder’s books, including her original sci-fi Inside Out, so I was pretty keen to dive into this one, especially since it was starting with a younger, mouthier heroine […]

Sun Sets on Study Series as Dawn Study Ends

I don’t even know where to start with this book. You know how each instalment of a series is supposed to be more epic than the last? Well, at one point Snyder has something like 28 characters ‘onscreen’, all with different motivations, characterisations, and backstories, including small children with more sass than they have the […]

Tour Stop + Giveaway: Night Study by Maria V Snyder

Tour Stop + Giveaway: Night Study by Maria V Snyder

I’m absolutely thrilled to be hosting today’s stop for the Night Study blog tour. I’m a huge fan of Maria’s and you can find reviews for the previous books in the Study series here: Poison Study, Poison Study Dream Cast, Assassin Study, Magic Study, Fire Study, Power Study, Ice Study, Shadow Study. I’ve also read […]