Chainbreaker (Timekeeper #2) by Tara Sim

Chainbreaker is the second book in the Timekeeper trilogy by Tara Sim and as a second book, it does not suffer from middle book syndrome. I thoroughly enjoyed all aspects of this book, and I found it highly entertaining and engaging the entire way through with no sagging parts or filler. This series is no […]

Destination Anywhere by Sara Barnard

I am mad at myself for waiting so long to dive into Destination Anywhere, but in my defence, the title and blurb are… not great. It’s downright misleading. The main character, Peyton, doesn’t just randomly buy the first plane ticket she can: she researches where she’s going and carefully chooses Canada. It’s a lovely title, […]

A Glasshouse of Stars by Shirley Marr

This is a touching and poignant middle-grade novel that explores themes of family, friendship, and belonging. The story follows the a-mazing Meixing Lim, a young girl who immigrates to Australia with her family from a small island that is never identified, but was most likely near China. Struggling to adapt to her new home and […]

Dog Driven by Terry Lynn Johnson

I have been dealing with the passing of my beloved sweetheart kitty, so I wanted to bury myself in a book about beloved animals. My first thought was, what’s better than the reliable companionship of a sled dog? So I sought out this book from my local library. This boo is about a 14 year […]

Vigilante by Kady Cross

The thing about this book, about a girl who is sick of people being sexually assaulted by their peers, is that the main character was already super-capable before the book even started. And because of that, she reminded me too much of other super-capable (read: boring) heroines like Celeana Sardothian, so tough that no one […]

The Year the Maps Changed by Danielle Binks

This is a middle-grade book, intended for audience more than half my age, so while I’m not the target audience, I did love the author’s other book The Monster Of Her Age so much I wanted to give this one a try as well. I ended up really loving it. It’s really hard for me […]

A Constellation of Roses by Miranda Asebedo

I really enjoyed this book. At first I was a bit surprised but delighted at how defensive and prickly the main character Trix was. She had a pretty hard life, and had a lot of defensive reflexes making it difficult for her to love and trust others, even when they were working so hard to […]

Ruin of Stars (Mask of Shadows #2) by Linsey Miller

Apparently I have a lot of thoughts about this book. Maybe you should get a hot drink or something before reading this. The TL:DR version is ‘Overall this book had a great concept but was marred by poor/inconsistent writing’. As a sequel, the timing in the book was all off. Sal kept insisting that they’d […]