The Keeper of Night by Kylie Lee Baker

I really liked this book by debut author Kylie Lee Baker. I’m not sure if it’s #ownvoices but I feel like it might be. Half British Reaper, half Japanese Shinigami Ren Scarborough must complete three tasks set to her by the Japanese goddess of death, after escaping England for using her forbidden power against her […]

Sun Sets on Study Series as Dawn Study Ends

I don’t even know where to start with this book. You know how each instalment of a series is supposed to be more epic than the last? Well, at one point Snyder has something like 28 characters ‘onscreen’, all with different motivations, characterisations, and backstories, including small children with more sass than they have the […]

Book Review: Impulse by Vanessa Garden

Book Review: Impulse by Vanessa Garden

SUMMARY Miranda Sun has returned to the underwater city of Marin where her dream boy, the young king Marko, awaits, but somehow her sister Lauren has managed to tag along! With her own agenda, Lauren manages to ruin everything – but the biggest question is why is Marko being so cold towards Miranda? Doesn’t he […]

Book Review: Captive by Aimee Carter

Book Review: Captive by Aimee Carter

Spoilers for Book 1: Pawn SUMMARY Kitty Doe decided to continue her disguise as Lila Hart, niece to the Prime Minister of the dystpian United States of America. That is, until she was caught snooping and promptly sent Elsewhere – the nightmare otherworld where un-citizens and the elderly are sent. Kitty discovers Elsewhere is more […]