Let’s Talk: New Years Resolutions (6)

Lets Talk Lets Talk!

Let’s Talk is a meme originally hosted by I Swim For Oceans and now hosted by the team at Smash Attack Reads and A Book Obsession.
It’s guided discussion on anything and everything to do with books and more!
Please drop by Smash Attack Reads or A Book Obsession to find other participants in Let’s Talk!

This week’s topic:

What are your New Year Resolutions? Or, what goals have you set for yourself in 2013?

New Year’s Resolutions. Or, those things everyone says they’re going to do but never do.

When I was a sad, lonely teenager I twice made a New Year’s Resolutions to get a boyfriend. The first year I didn’t make it a resolution I found a boy who said he loved me. (it lasted a long time but it didn’t work out.)

When I was overweight I made resolutions to lose weight. The first year I didn’t, I lost a substantial amount of weight through lifestyle changes.

I don’t smoke, I barely drink, and I cuss like a sailor. My worst vice is my need for books. I have a stable job, a man whom I love deeply and who loves me back, and we are happy.

I don’t make resolutions, but if I did, they would be threefold:

1. To find a bigger place to live. Where we live now is seriously cramping my style.

2. My cat died earlier this year. Id love to get another cat – not as a replacement, but because I love cats. I want to adopt an older cat from the cat shelter, one that isn’t very affectionate and has problems finding a forever home. I will love that cat, even if it doesn’t love me.

3. I want to get my husband a puppy. He’s had to sacrifice so much for me, including his dog when we moved in together. I know how much he misses his dog and how much he wants one. I want to be able to provide that for him.

If I were to make New Year’s Resolutions, those would be it. To find the perfect house and expand my tiny family. We have so much love to share.

What about you? What New Year’s Resolutions have you made, or not made?


About Nemo

A lover of kittens and all things sparkly, Nemo has a degree in English Literature and specialises in reviewing contemporary, paranormal, mystery/thriller, historical, sci-fi and fantasy Young Adult fiction. She is especially drawn to novels about princesses, strong female friendships, magical powers, and assassins.

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