Let’s Talk: Best and worst series endings (31)

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Let’s Talk is a meme hosted by Melissa at I Swim For Oceans.
It’s guided discussion on anything and everything to do with books and more!
Please drop by I Swim for Oceans to find other participants in Let’s Talk!

This week’s topic:

What are the best and worst series ends you’ve ever read?

Bitterblue (Graceling Realm, #3)The best series end for me was the Graceling Realms trilogy book Bitterblue. Bitterblue wrapped up everything neatly but still left enough going for there to possibly be a further story – you know, how they did in 10 years time or something. By the end of the book Bitterblue had regained her power and was looking to rule her kingdom fairly with good advisors and continue making discoveries of the other lands and people. And she didn’t have to get married to do it.

Now as for the worst, it’s a toss up between Twilight and The Goddess Test series. I’ll tell you what happens, and then you tell me which one is worst.

Breaking Dawn (Twilight, #4)Breaking Dawn (Twilight): Bella gets married, dies, has a baby (in that order) comes back as a perfect immortal and enters her new life with no trouble whatsoever, almost gets into a fight, then lives happily ever after knowing her love triangle was resolved with the addition of her daughter.

The Goddess Inheritance (Goddess Test, #3)The Goddess legacy (The Goddess Test): Kate is already married and an immortal, but in this book she has a baby, and becomes the new goddess of love and finally starts having a relationship with her husband after defeating all the other evil women in the world. Maybe some other stuff happened but I only read it once and it was that bad I think I forgot everything else.

So. Which ones is worse?


About Nemo

A lover of kittens and all things sparkly, Nemo has a degree in English Literature and specialises in reviewing contemporary, paranormal, mystery/thriller, historical, sci-fi and fantasy Young Adult fiction. She is especially drawn to novels about princesses, strong female friendships, magical powers, and assassins.

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3 thoughts on “Let’s Talk: Best and worst series endings (31)

  1. Melissa (i swim for oceans)

    Hahaha I’m so glad you have Twilight on your list. I couldn’t stomach that series at ALL. It was just horrible! I haven’t read Bitterblue, but I loved Graceling and Fire, so I’ll definitely have to try it! Thank you so much for linking up this week!

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