Top Ten Most Frustrating Characters Ever (22)

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Top Ten Most Frustrating Characters Ever


Isabella “Bella” Swan

Book: New Moon
Author: Stephenie Meyer
Reason: “I’m going to completely shut down just because some jerk-ass I’ve only been dating for a few months dumps me, then jump off a cliff to hear my ex-boyfriend’s voice, all the while neglecting my friends and family.”


Lucinda “Luce” Price

Book:  Fallen
Author:  Lauren Kate
Reason: “I’m going to stalk this guy and utterly obsess over him even though he clearly hates me and has tried to drive me away multiple time, because he’s SOOOOOO hot – oh wait, our love is the most epic true love ever.”


Nora Grey

Book: Hush, Hush/Cresendo (BOTH OF THEM)
Author: Becca Fitzpatrick
Reason, Hush, Hush: “I’m going fall in love with my stalker who threatens to kill me.”
Reason, Crescendo: “I’m going to break into my enemy’s bedroom to steal her diary to find out if my ex-boyfriend is dating her.”


All the adults in Hush, Hush and mostly its sequel, Crescendo.
Reason: What kind of adults take an active interest in a teenager’s sex life?


Evelyn “Evie” Green

Book: Supernaturally
Author: Kiersten White
Reason: “I better not tell my boyfriend this huge secret for no good reason whatsoever.”


Laurel Sewell

Book: Wings
Author: Aprilynne Pike
Reason: “Hey, he has really nice teeth. I bet he had braces.” She says as she runs her tongue over her own naturally straight teeth.


Zoey Redbird

Book: The House of Night series
Author: PC and Kristin Cast
Reason: “I’m going to slut shame practically every girl in the series then sleep with my professor whilst in another relationship and have several boyfriends at one time, be granted special powers for no reason whatsoever all the while saying ‘bullpoopie’.”


Anastacia “Ana” Steele

Book: Fifty Shades of Grey
Author: Stephenie M… E L James
Reason: “I blush at absolutely everything” – I only read 4% – that’s as far as I got!


Catherine Earnshaw

Book: Wuthering Heights
Author: Emily Bronte
Reason: “Everyone can’t help but love me even though they all hate each other.”


Fitzwilliam Darcy

Book: Pride & Prejudice
Author: Jane Austen


About Nemo

A lover of kittens and all things sparkly, Nemo has a degree in English Literature and specialises in reviewing contemporary, paranormal, mystery/thriller, historical, sci-fi and fantasy Young Adult fiction. She is especially drawn to novels about princesses, strong female friendships, magical powers, and assassins.

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