Let’s Talk: The Dreaded TBR (to be read) Pile (24)

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Let’s Talk is a meme originally hosted by I Swim For Oceans and now hosted by the team at Smash Attack Reads and A Book Obsession.
It’s guided discussion on anything and everything to do with books and more!
Please drop by Smash Attack Reads or A Book Obsession to find other participants in Let’s Talk!

This week’s topic:

On average how long does a book stay on your TBR pile? What is the longest a book has been there before being read? 

Maybe I’m not that qualified to answer this as I haven’t been blogging for that long (only just coming up to a year!) but according to Goodreads I shelved a whole bunch of books back in June 2012 when I joined and I know I have read barely any of my 1000 book pile of to-reads so…

I guess that makes it a year.

On my actual physical to-read pile of books if I stretch my memory I think the oldest book there I have yet to read dates back to about 2008. It was a gift from my well-meaning parents who thought I would be interested in the history of some obscure theatre just because I saw a production of Cats. But it’s non-fiction and a coffee table book, so does it really count? I didn’t buy it for myself.

My more recent to-read books are from about 2011 or so. I just don’t have time to read them all and when I get on Netgalley and start requesting ARCs I have even less time to read the books I already own.

Netgalley = time suck.

This whole post is making me anxious. Am I the only one?


About Nemo

A lover of kittens and all things sparkly, Nemo has a degree in English Literature and specialises in reviewing contemporary, paranormal, mystery/thriller, historical, sci-fi and fantasy Young Adult fiction. She is especially drawn to novels about princesses, strong female friendships, magical powers, and assassins.

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2 thoughts on “Let’s Talk: The Dreaded TBR (to be read) Pile (24)

  1. Sheri @ Tangled Up In Books

    NetGalley really is a time suck. And I go through requesting binges and get so mad at myself later lol it’s like a junkie! My last binge was a week ago and I’ve been approved for around 28/30+ Sigh. I was excited to be declined 2 😀

    My Goodreads TBR sounds about like yours. I’ve barely made a dent in the near 1000+ books and yet I keep adding and requesting more. It’s a vicious cycle. Fun meme and topic!! 🙂

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