Stacking The Shelves (60)

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Stacking The Shelves is a weekly meme hosted by Tynga’s Reviews.
It’s all about sharing the books we’ve picked up for the week, whether they are bought, borrowed, gifted, galleys, physical or virtual.
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A recent haul of a bunch of princess books I scored off Amazon.

The Princess and the Horse (The Hound Saga,#4)

Fierce’s mother has left her pack to become a human. Left behind, Fierce is determined to have nothing to do with humans. But one day she finds a woman who reminds her of her mother in the forest. She hesitates for a moment, just long enough for the woman–Princess Jaleel–to turn her into a human with the wild magic. Soon Fierce is dragged into human concerns about the effects of the misuse of wild magic by Princess Jaleel. Will Fierce choose to be human and save the world or to be a hound again and save herself?

I’m not really sure what’s going on with this series. Books #4 and #5 appear to be self-published ebooks only. But they were free so I snapped them up. I plan to read the entire series.

The Princess and the Wolf (The Hound Saga, #5)

King George and Queen Marit have lived sixteen years after the mysterious disappearance of their daughter Princess Ina. While they continue to look for her, they have adopted Dagmar as their heir and she is betrothed to Lord Morlieb, from a neighboring kingdom. But the king’s horse and other animals have become wild and feral, attacking villagers, and there is a strange wolf in the forest near the castle who looks like he has lived for a thousand years. Soon, the tolerance for animal magickers that King George has spent his whole reign to protect is gone and only Princess Dagmar can save it.

Having not enjoyed The Rose Throne as much as I wanted to, I really want to give Harrison another chance to wow me, and this series sounds so wonderful.

Maelyn (The Nine Princesses Novellas, #1)

Book 1: Maelyn was not born a princess. The king found her as a child, the lone survivor of a poor village slaughtered by the Red Fever. Suddenly she became a princess of Runa Realm, the first of nine orphans adopted by the king.

By her eighteenth year, Maelyn rules over Runa and a family of nine sisters. But some call the princesses frauds and imposters, a handful of urchins raised into royalty. Even Uncle Jarrod, the High King of Grunwold, seems determined to prove that Maelyn no longer deserves to be a princess. With a family losing faith in her, and a kingdom growing dangerously hostile, even Maelyn begins to wonder if she is truly a real princess. And if her riches will turn to rags once again….

Have I mentioned I like princesses?


About Nemo

A lover of kittens and all things sparkly, Nemo has a degree in English Literature and specialises in reviewing contemporary, paranormal, mystery/thriller, historical, sci-fi and fantasy Young Adult fiction. She is especially drawn to novels about princesses, strong female friendships, magical powers, and assassins.

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