30 Day Animorphs Challenge: Day 1

Welcome to the Moonlight Library’s 30 Day Animorphs Challenge! Despite Project Animorphs in 2013, I clearly do not talk about Animorphs enough. This particular challenge is taken from the Heck Yeah Tumblr Challenges archive on Tumblr. Day 1: Your Favourite of the Original Six Animorphs: Rachel Having recently re-read the entire series, I can safely […]

Waiting on Being Sloane Jacobs by Lauren Morrill (68)

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Breaking The Spine. It’s all about spotlighting upcoming releases we’re eagerly anticipating. Share your books and remember to visit Breaking The Spine for more great books! This week I’m eagerly waiting on: Being Sloane Jacobs by Lauren Morrill Expected publication:  7th January 2014 Publisher: Delacorte From […]