Stacking the Shelves (103)

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Stacking The Shelves is a weekly meme hosted by Tynga’s Reviews.
It’s all about sharing the books we’ve picked up for the week, whether they are bought, borrowed, gifted, galleys, physical or virtual.
Share your shelves and remember to visit Tynga’s Reviews where it all started to find more great books!

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The Australian YA Bloggers group I’m part of did a Secret Santa, and here’s what I got! Thank you, Secret Santa!

Emily Chambers Spirit Medium

Seventeen year-old spirit medium Emily Chambers has a problem. Actually, she has several. As if seeing dead people isn’t a big enough social disadvantage, she also has to contend with an escaped demon and a handsome ghost with a secret past. And then there’s the question of her parentage. Being born an entire year after her father’s death (yes, a year) and without the pale skin of other respectable English ladies, Emily is as much a mystery as the dead boy assigned to her.

Jacob Beaufort’s spirit has been unable to crossover since his death several months ago. It might have something to do with the fact he was murdered. Or it might not. All he knows is, he has been assigned by the Otherworld’s administrators to a girl named Emily. A girl who can see and touch him. A girl who released a shape-shifting demon into the mortal realm. Together they must send the demon back before it wreaks havoc on London. It should be a simple assignment, but they soon learn there’s nothing simple when a live girl and a dead boy fall in love.

2 fh 2

With the Master’s spirit still haunting London, Charity must remain at Freak House. But the peace is shattered when Samuel’s father is brutally slain by a demon on the estate. Who summoned it and why?
As some questions are answered, yet more secrets about Samuel emerge that send him hurtling toward madness. Secrets that terrify Charity and draw her inevitably closer to him. As the lies are peeled back to reveal the truth, will she be able to conquer her fears and give Samuel what he craves?

2 fh 3

Past secrets have come back to haunt the residents of Freak House and their visitors. With the help of a 300 year-old ghost, Charity, Samuel and their friends peel back the layers of lies and deception to reveal the terrible events of 1867 that changed everything. At the heart of it all is a page of spells and two missing men.

But as they draw closer to answers, Charity pushes Samuel further away. Desperate to win her love, he hovers on the brink of madness and misery. One small push might send him over the edge.

The sensational conclusion to the Second Freak House Trilogy is full of twists, turns and heart wrenching moments that will stay with you long after you reach The End.

Thank you, I really need to take some time over the summer to read the rest of this series in preparation for Ghost Girl, Book 1 in the 3rd Freak House trilogy!


About Nemo

A lover of kittens and all things sparkly, Nemo has a degree in English Literature and specialises in reviewing contemporary, paranormal, mystery/thriller, historical, sci-fi and fantasy Young Adult fiction. She is especially drawn to novels about princesses, strong female friendships, magical powers, and assassins.

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