Stacking the Shelves (108)


Stacking The Shelves is a weekly meme hosted by Tynga’s Reviews.
It’s all about sharing the books we’ve picked up for the week, whether they are bought, borrowed, gifted, galleys, physical or virtual.
Share your shelves and remember to visit Tynga’s Reviews where it all started to find more great books!

For Review:


(click the cover to go to Goodreads)

All her life, eighteen-year-old Bea has wanted nothing more than to become a sniper on the wall and earn the coveted ink of a Dread warrior – a mark of distinction among her people.

She knows that one day the terrifying Erebii might break through the city’s outer defences, and if her people aren’t prepared and the wall is breached then the last human city will fall.

But everything Bea thinks she knows is about to be challenged…

What does the ink really do as it flows underneath their skin and who is the mysterious Unwanted boy that keeps appearing in her life?

Imagine my surprise when an unsolicited copy of a book shows up on my doorstep. I’ve never heard of Unwanted, but my husband and I have recently watched a Japanese anime called Attack on Titan, which has certain elements in common with this book, so I’m really hoping I’ll enjoy it, even though I won’t get around to reading it until well after its January embargo date. Thank you, Penguin Teen Australia!


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Dreamer’s Pool (Blackthorn and Grim #1) by Juliet Marillier

True Fire by Gary Meehan

Reckoning (Silver blackthorn #1) by Kerry Wilkinson

Star Crossed (Thief Errant #1) by Elizabeth C Bunce

Liar’s Moon (Thief Errant #2) by Elizabeth C Bunce

Nightshade (the Poison diaries #2) by Maryrose Wood

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Beauty and the Beast (Faerie Tale Collection #1) by Jenni James

The Princess Spy (Fairy Tales #5) by Melanie Dickerson

Enchanted (Woodcutter Sisters #1) by Alethea Kontis

Princesses Don’t Get Fat by Aya Ling

Aurora Sky Vampire Hunter by Nikki Jefford

Starstruck by Brenda Hiatt




About Nemo

A lover of kittens and all things sparkly, Nemo has a degree in English Literature and specialises in reviewing contemporary, paranormal, mystery/thriller, historical, sci-fi and fantasy Young Adult fiction. She is especially drawn to novels about princesses, strong female friendships, magical powers, and assassins.

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10 thoughts on “Stacking the Shelves (108)

    1. Nemo

      Thanks for the warning, but I was an adult high/heroic/dark fantasy reader before I discovered YA, so I think I should be OK! Besides, she’s an Australian author. I have a good history with them.

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