These Are A Few Of My Favourite Books (30)

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Welcome to the Moonlight Library’s 30 Day Book Challenge!
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This particular challenge is taken from the 30 Day Challenge Archive on Tumblr.

Day 30: Your Favourite Book of All Time

I can’t pick just one book. That’s cruel, and it’s accepted that forcing a bookwork to do so is akin to torture.

So here are some of my favourite books:

EntwinedEntwined by Heather Dixon

How I discovered it: Borrowed from the Library

Why I love it: By day, Dixon is an animator, and her storytelling skills are showcased here with a wonderful use of imagery and onomatopoeia. I love princess novels and this one left me on a book high for three months.

Review: Sorry, I read this one before I started The Moonlight Library.

Before I FallBefore I Fall by Lauren Oliver

How I discovered it: Borrowed from the Library

Why I love it: It’s such a powerful novel about bullying and discovering oneself, and having the courage to stand up against your friends and against the status quo. It’s also a great example of how a character is supposed to change over the length of the story. I cried like a baby when I finished it, and was on a book high for several weeks.

Review: Can be found here.

Fire (Graceling Realm, #2)Fire by Kristin Cashore

How I discovered it: Gift from a friend who didn’t like it!

Why I love it: It has the most beautiful reverse Beauty and the Beast romance, where Fire is beautiful but everyone hates her and treats her like a Beast, and the prince isn’t so handsome. It’s a slow-burning romance and I just love it.

Review: Sorry, I read this before I started The Moonlight Library.

Touch of Power (Healer, #1)Touch of Power by Maria  Snyder

How I discovered it: ARC from Netgalley

Why I love it: Snyder’s writing touches my soul. There’s just something about it that I instantly click with. Although her Poison Study series is more popular, I prefer the story of a healer who heals by taking on illnesses and wounds and living through them. I love the worldbuilding which is carefully balance, not quite medieval, not modern, so the characters can have soap but not telephones.

Review: Sorry,I read this one before I started The Moonlight Library, but you can catch my reviews for Scent of Magic and Taste of Darkness.

The Wrong Girl (The 1st Freak House Trilogy #1)The Wrong Girl by CJ Archer

How I discovered it: ARC from Netgalley

Why I love it: I was so surprised to find a self-published book that was easily as good as any traditionally published novel, from the beautiful cover to the editing, the writing skill, and plot. I just fell in love with the characters and narrative voice, and also I have a particular weakness for Gothic novels.

Review: Can be found here.

And my most recent addition:

IllusionariumIllusionarium by Heather Dixon

How I discovered it: ARC from Edelweiss

Why I love it: Much like Entwined, there’s something amazing about Dixon’s writing. She’s superbly gifted with a sharp cinematic vision, which makes sense because she’s an animator by day, and her use of onomatopoeia continues in this book as well. It’s charming and tense and imaginative and original and wholly excellent.

Review: can be found here.

This is the last post in the 30 Day Book Challenge. Thanks for joining me on this journey of celebrating books! What’s your favourite book or books? I’d love to check them out!


About Nemo

A lover of kittens and all things sparkly, Nemo has a degree in English Literature and specialises in reviewing contemporary, paranormal, mystery/thriller, historical, sci-fi and fantasy Young Adult fiction. She is especially drawn to novels about princesses, strong female friendships, magical powers, and assassins.

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2 thoughts on “These Are A Few Of My Favourite Books (30)

  1. Chiara

    Touch of Power is AMAZING, but the Study books will always be my #1 Snyder books. Valek is just completely the winner when it comes to male characters in Snyder’s books. Although, I must say that Kerrick is pretty darn awesome himself.

    I also love The Wrong Girl, and I’m pretty sure I discovered it through you – so thank you 😀 I recently read the last book int he First Freak House Trilogy, and I was super sad to say goodbye. But there’s a novella/short story about Jack and Hannah that is being released soon, so I am SUPER excited about that!

    As for my favourite book, it’s Wildwood Dancing by Juliet Marillier. I have read it so many times, and it remains amazing with each and every reading. There are other books that I count as my favourites, but WD is always #1!

    1. Nemo

      I’m pretty sure you discovered The Wrong Girl around the same time as me – not sure if it was BECAUSE of me – but that’s why I started following your reviews!

      I am so looking forward tot he day when I can binge read all of Juliet Marillier’s books. I’ve not read a single one, but I’m really keen to!

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