3 Year Blogiversary + Giveaway!

3 year blogiversary giveaway

To celebrate our three year blogiversary, the Moonlight Library is very proud to present another


with not one, but TWO fabulous prizes!

bella twins high five

To help celebrate our three year anniversary of book blogging, we are very excited to partner with Aussie historical and paranormal author CJ Archer in our giveaway.

Open to International (non-Australian) Residents Only:

We are giving away an ebook copy of CJ’s Archer’s Young Adult historical paranormal romance ‘1st Freak House Series’. I have read the series and I loved each and every book.


Open to Australian residents only:

We are giving away a paperback copy of Meg Cabot’s latest Princess Diaries novel, Royal Wedding.

Royal Wedding (The Princess Diaries, #11)

To make it clear:

If you are one of the two winners and your IP address locates you in Australia, you will automatically win Royal Wedding. International entries will win the Freak House trilogy. I will continue to pick winners until I have 1 Australian winner and 1 International winner. For example, if my first two winners are Australian, I will select winner #2 again until it is an international winner. Kapiche?

a Rafflecopter giveaway


One prize is international. One prize is for Australian residents only.

This giveaway is open to everyone.

Entrants must be aged over 13 years.

Please make sure you enter your email address on the form, not the comments section!

The giveaway ends on July 30 at 12am. The winner will be announced on shortly after.

Once winners are selected it will be announced here on The Moonlight Library and the winner will be emailed.
They will have 48 hours to respond to our email, or another winner will be selected.

Cheaters will not prosper. We reserve the right to disqualify anyone found gaming the system. Play fair!


About Nemo

A lover of kittens and all things sparkly, Nemo has a degree in English Literature and specialises in reviewing contemporary, paranormal, mystery/thriller, historical, sci-fi and fantasy Young Adult fiction. She is especially drawn to novels about princesses, strong female friendships, magical powers, and assassins.

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36 thoughts on “3 Year Blogiversary + Giveaway!

  1. Eilonwy

    Congratulations on the 3-year blogging mark! I’ve just passed my one-year anniversary of following you. 🙂

  2. Tricia

    A very happy 3 year Blogiversary to you!! That’s a big milestone, congrats! I am entering the international giveaway. I would have to say that I like both paranormal and princesses, so perhaps my preference may be princesses in a paranormal setting…..guess I should read some more of those lol! Thanks for celebrating your big day with this awesome giveaway 🙂

  3. Melissa Tosh

    I prefer to read about princesses. It’s the little girl in me I guess that wishes she was a princess 🙂 Thank you for the awesome giveaway!

  4. Maranda

    This is the first time I’ve seen your blog, a friend directed me here. We seem to have similar tastes so just know I’ll be creeping on all your older posts! And 3 years means there’s a ton to look through 🙂 Happy blogiversary!

  5. Chiara

    Congratulations on three years of blogging! 😀 It’s so amazing to hit another year long milestone. When I hit two years last month, I was so surprised because on the one hand it feels like I’ve been doing this FOREVER, and then on the other it feels like I have only just begun.

    I still remember following your blog way back in the day, and thinking it was so awesome because of kitties! 😀 It is still awesome, even though the kitties have made a few changes.

    I credit you with introducing me to C.J. Archer because even though I cannot quite remember if C.J. contacted me about reviewing The Wrong Girl before I read your review of it, or if it was the other way around, I still know that because you loved it so much I accepted her review request! (I have no idea if that even makes any sense, gosh.)

    As for your lovely prizes, I am extremely excited to read Royal Wedding! I read all the Princess Diaries books back in high school and loved them more than anything (except Meg’s Mediator series), and I cannot wait to see where Mia is in adulthood!

    Again: congrats on your three years, and I can’t wait to see The Moonlight Library grow even more in its fourth year 😀

    1. Nemo

      I know what you mean, I was blogging before starting this one and it’s hard to believe I’ve been blogging about books for 5 years, 3 as Nemo, when it feels like no time at all has passed.

      Yes, the kitties did have to make a few changes, but I’m glad you stuck around.

      I do recall getting excited with you over The Freak House series, and I’ve just finished Royal Wedding and enjoyed it.

  6. Kaer B

    I much prefer paranormal – normal is just too … normal for me lol

    Happy Blogiversary ???

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