Welcome to Young Adult At Heart!

I have an exciting announcement to make!

So after thinking for a LONG time that I wanted a co-blogger, I’ve teamed up with Taneika from Flipping Through The Pages and we’re now co-blogging! We renamed the blog

Young Adult At Heart

which should be obvious because I’ve got forwarding on from The Moonlight Library, so if you go there you’ll end up here anyway!

Young AdultAt Heart

Why the change?

I’ve been thinking for a long time about adding a co-blogger, and when I asked Taneika if she’d join me, we both agreed that Young Adult At Heart (YA@<3) was a better name for a group blog.

It also gave me a chance to jazz the blog up with bright colours and new branding.

Plus it also gives us better focus on what we review. It’s in the name! We’re grown ups who are young adult at heart an read young adult books.

Taneika will be introducing herself shortly and I’d love it if everyone could make her feel welcome because she’s not used WordPress before.

We’re really excited to launch a new weekly meme and to start our co-blogging journey together!

Also – we’ve had to start a new Facebook page, so we’d be forever grateful if you could head on over and give us a like!


About Nemo

A lover of kittens and all things sparkly, Nemo has a degree in English Literature and specialises in reviewing contemporary, paranormal, mystery/thriller, historical, sci-fi and fantasy Young Adult fiction. She is especially drawn to novels about princesses, strong female friendships, magical powers, and assassins.

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4 thoughts on “Welcome to Young Adult At Heart!

  1. Eilonwy

    This is exciting news! I’ll miss the kitties in your old blog design, but I love how cheerful your new logo and design are! I’m looking forward to meeting Taneika. Congratulations on your new venture!

    1. Nemo

      I’m gonna miss the kitties, too! Maybe if we get tired of this design I can convince Taneika to let the kitties take over again. Meanwhile I love how ‘cheerful’ this design is, too. We wanted it to be colourful and flirty and whimsical and girly.

      1. Taneika

        If we revamp the design sometime I think we should definitely go for bright and colourful PLUS kitties

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