Top Ten Book Series I’ve Given Up On

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Top Ten Four Book Series I’ve Given Up On

Submitted by A Book and a Cup

While I will give a lot of first in a series novels a go, I don’t necessarily plan to finish the series and am usually happy to leave it at the first book unless it’s particularly good. This is due to my belief that books, especially first books, should be able to tell a complete story within itself without trying to manipulate readers into buying the second book, for example ending in the middle of a cliffhanger (or a cliffhanger at all!). Because of the sheer amount of books available,  a first book has got to be pretty special for me to want to read its sequel. And then it’s usually good enough to keep going.

Due to this, my list of book series I have given up on is of book series of which I have read more than just the first book and decided not to complete the series.

  • The Winner’s Curse by Marie Rutkoski

I didn’t enjoy The Winner’s Curse because I really couldn’t stand Kestrel and Aren, and I got very angry and frustrated at all of the sexual harassment that was perceived as being sexy in The Winner’s Kiss. I couldn’t even finish the book let alone the series.

  • House of Night by PC Cast

I read the first six books before I started blogging, waaaay back when I was actually a young adult. I’m not sure why I read so many, because they are objectively awful… but even now, a part of me wants to finish the series, I just have so many other better books to read.

  • Fractured Light By Rachel McLellan

The first two books in this trilogy were OK… I mean the love interest was literally called Christian Knight. I simply don’t think it’s worth the investment to purchase the third book.

  • The Princess Diaries by Meg Cabot

Technically I listened to the first two books on audiobook read by the enchanting Anne Hathaway, even though I completely do not remember anything that happened in number 2 at all… then received book number 11 as an ARC, which I was excited about because it was about a ROYAL WEDDING and gosh I love me a royal wedding. Mia, the main character, has a really incredible voice and the whole thing is so fluffy and fun and ridiculous, but it’s not entrancing me enough to care anymore.Save


About Nemo

A lover of kittens and all things sparkly, Nemo has a degree in English Literature and specialises in reviewing contemporary, paranormal, mystery/thriller, historical, sci-fi and fantasy Young Adult fiction. She is especially drawn to novels about princesses, strong female friendships, magical powers, and assassins.

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