New Release Review: The Memory Keeper by CJ Archer

Title: The Memory Keeper (#1 2nd Freak House Series) Author: CJ Archer Publisher: CJ Archer Release Date:  13th May 2014 Genre: Young Adult/New Adult, Paranormal, Historical, Romance Format: ebook Page Count: 214 (paperback) Source: Purchased Rating: Charity Evans has arrived at Freak House to have Samuel Gladstone block her most horrific memories, so that she can once again feel the ability […]

New Release Review: Black Beast by Nenia Campbell

Title: Black Beast (Shadow Thane #1) Author: Nenia Campbell Publisher: Nenia Campbell Release Date:  2nd April 2014 Genre: Young Adult, Paranormal, Urban Fantasy Format: ebook Page Count: 284 (paperback) Source: Author (giveaway) Rating: Nenia is a friend of mine, but as you can see that hasn’t stopped me from being any less annoyingly opinionated on this […]

Stacking The Shelves (36)

Stacking The Shelves is a weekly meme hosted by Tynga’s Reviews. It’s all about sharing the books we’ve picked up for the week, whether they are bought, borrowed, gifted, galleys, physical or virtual. Share your shelves and remember to visit Tynga’s Reviews where it all started to find more great books! PURCHASED I realised I […]