Stacking The Shelves (36)


Stacking The Shelves is a weekly meme hosted by Tynga’s Reviews.
It’s all about sharing the books we’ve picked up for the week, whether they are bought, borrowed, gifted, galleys, physical or virtual.
Share your shelves and remember to visit Tynga’s Reviews where it all started to find more great books!


I realised I forgot to mention I picked up these short story collections from indie authors a few weeks ago – sometimes I forget to add Kindle books to my StS posts because it’s so easy to click ‘buy’ and have it show up on the Kindle…

Wishing Stars: Space Opera Fairytales

Magic and science combine in this anthology of futuristic fairytales, ballads, and lyrical poetry. Contains five retellings:

Deep Blue Nightmare

Clockwork Roses

Quantum Diamond


Blood of My Blood.

I would really like to read a Nenia Campbell book seeing as how so many people like them, but her published works just don’t really appeal to me. Except this one 🙂

Fairy Tales for Freya

Four short fairy tales: Woman of the Well, The Piper, Crystalline and Slipstream. Deep within a tangled forest where shadows pooled between the ancient trees and black-winged ravens perched high on twisted lichen covered limbs, a young man lay dying…

I love fairy tales and Gina is one of the sweetest people I know on Goodreads.


Sorrow's Child (The Taint, #1)

Found guilty of witchcraft, Lilith, a young orphan and an indentured servant, is minutes away from being hung. But destiny disagrees…

Rescued, she is guided to Branwen Tower where Ge-Iad, a powerful sorcerer, awaits her. It seems Lilith has found true happiness at last: a home free from persecution and a mentor who will teach her how to use her newfound magic.

But appearances can be deceiving. As the months pass, Lilith becomes aware that beneath the facade of safety lays a dark and disturbing world of demon summoning, corpse collection, and blood ritual.

As Lilith navigates the dangers, she stumbles upon a hidden key and a flask of glowing blue liquid. The items lead to shocking revelation, forcing Lilith to quickly master her fears and her magic. For failure brings a fate worse than death—eternal slavery to the ruthless sorcerer.

Sounds like a really interesting fantasy. Witchcraft, magic, with a Gothic feel to it. And the cover really appeals to me, it reminds me of my favourite fantasies from the 80s and 90s.


About Nemo

A lover of kittens and all things sparkly, Nemo has a degree in English Literature and specialises in reviewing contemporary, paranormal, mystery/thriller, historical, sci-fi and fantasy Young Adult fiction. She is especially drawn to novels about princesses, strong female friendships, magical powers, and assassins.

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25 thoughts on “Stacking The Shelves (36)

    1. Nemo

      I’m friends with Nenia too but I’m not that interested in her adult books. These retellings sounded good to me though. Thanks for stopping by!

  1. Lily B

    i do enjoy my fairy tale retellings! great haul. Love the cover for wishing stars! Hope you enjoy it 🙂 thank you for dropping by!

  2. nlforst

    Interesting haul! I also forget to add books I’ve gotten for free through those daily emails that show free books from Amazon. One day I should add up how my books I’ve got in my Kindle App 🙂

  3. Carmen Brack

    All of these are new to me but The Taint – Sorrow’s girl sounds really promising! And I agree with you about the cover style ^^ Happy reading, and thanks for stopping by!

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