Feature and Follow Friday: Fantasy Casting (2)

Alison Can Read Feature & Follow

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This week’s topic:

It is up to you to do a Kickstarter campaign for your favorite book!!! Who are you casting for the main characters?

My favourite book is Entwined by Heather Dixon. It’s a retelling of the 12 Dancing Princesses fable, and it’s spooky, charming, lush, and cinematic. You’d hope it would be cinematic, as Dixon is a professional animator!

Ideally the film would be animated and produced by Disney because let’s face it, it’s about princesses. However, visuals would really help a Kickstarter campaign so I’m going to use actual actors in the dream cast. There are 12 princesses in the book, but I’m only going to cast the eldest three.

Princess Azalea


I feel that English rose actress Rachel Hurt-Wood would portray the gutsy, strong-willed, adventurous princess very well. Let’s hope she can dance!

The Keeper


Grow his hair out ever longer than his Sherlock Holmes mop, and Benedict Cumberbatch would make a brilliant Keeper. He’s devastatingly handsome, dark, brooding, and psychotic. He’d need to learn to dance.

The King


Because every movie needs Hugh Jackman, right? The man can dance, and he’d make a good king. I’d vote for him. Wait, that is how we elect royals these days, isn’t it?

The Queen


The fine-boned, delicate looking Olivia Williams would be good as the one-scene queen who dies after giving birth to her twelfth daughter.

Princess Bramble


Chloe Grace Moretz is one of those freakishly talented kids who can deliver a line perfectly still in single digits. I’d like to see her dolled up in a ballgown, but she’d still be prickly and rebellious as second eldest princess Bramble.

Princess Clover


I’d cast Elle Fanning as the shark in Jaws, I swear to god. That girl can do anything – and she’d be great as Princess Clover, who starts out shy and stuttering but develops into a woman over the year the book takes place.

Lord Bradford


Lord Bradford is Azalea’s eventual sweetheart. I think even Jude law is too old for this role, but he has the face for it. Doesn’t he look dapper, what?

Lord Teddie


Lord Teddie is Bramble’s eventual sweetheart, and he’s goofy and fun and completely memorable. I think Matt Smith would do a fine job with him.


Here’s some fan art for the animated version:

I am sorry, I cannot find the original artist to credit. Please contact me for a credit or to remove the image.



About Nemo

A lover of kittens and all things sparkly, Nemo has a degree in English Literature and specialises in reviewing contemporary, paranormal, mystery/thriller, historical, sci-fi and fantasy Young Adult fiction. She is especially drawn to novels about princesses, strong female friendships, magical powers, and assassins.

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23 thoughts on “Feature and Follow Friday: Fantasy Casting (2)

    1. Nemo

      LOL I didn’t intend for that, I just think they fit the characters perfectly for their physical appearance and acting skills. But I am glad you are fangirling.

  1. Mimi

    After finishing the book today, I immediately had all of these thoughts. A Disney movie or a live-action one, (These actors would be perfect!) I think it’s too good a book to be kept a secret. I’m so glad I found this page and can see I’m not alone in my thoughts haha great job!

    1. Nemo

      Thank you so much, I’m so glad you left this comment! It’s hard to share my love of this book when it’s not that well known.

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