December Wrap Up And Giveaway Winner

month 12


I hope everyone had a great Christmas! Hubby and I went to my parents and ate way too much food and then went home and played with our cats. We really love spending time by ourselves, but we don’t want to offend family by not showing up on Christmas!

And the good news is that tomorrow my best friend is coming to stay for a few days! The cats LOVE her, and I haven’t seen her since my wedding. So I’m quite excited to see her and hang out for a bit! I hope I still have time for reading!

I saw The Hunger Games Mockingjay Part 1 in the cinema and loved it! I think it was one of the best book to film adaptations I’ve ever seen!

I also re-watched The Hobbit Part 1 and watched The Hobbit Part 2 (at home) in preparation for seeing Part 3 at the cinema in the new year and WOW! I’ve never read the book so I had no idea what to expect, but I’ll certainly remember some shots for the rest of my life – gold-plated Smaug was incredible!


Project EverWorld

This month I finished Project EverWorld! Finally. I love doing year-long projects, but this one took a bit out of me. It wasn’t as great as I remembered it as a child. Still, there were some very good books (#11 specifically!) as well as some duds (# 10 specifically!).

Reviews can be found here:

collage everworld 10 11 12

Project Tomorrow

In 2015 I’m going to be tackling John Marsden’s Tomorrow: When the War Began series, a YA war series set in Australia and written in the 90s, and as Hubby wants to read it with me (we were living overseas when the movie came out, and I begged him to download it for me, and luckily he loved it!) we might even get his opinion on some things! I’m really excited to showcase this series because it’s YA, it’s from the 90s so well before the influence of modern YA, and it’s Australian!

December Wrap Up

Book Reviews:


December reviews

  1. [1 Dec] Pawn by Aimée Carter ★★★
  2. [18 Dec] The Orphan Queen by Jodi Meadows ★★★★★
  3. [26 Dec] Captive by Aimée Carter ★★★
  4. [29 Dec] Impulse by Vanessa Garden ★★★★

Other Blog Posts You May Have Missed:

Monthly Highlight

Secret Santa

Australian YA Book Bloggers and Readers had their Secret Santa and mine sent me several ebooks I’ve been wanting for a while:

Emily Chambers Spirit Medium

2 fh 2

2 fh 3

Thank you, not-so-Secret Santa!

Allen & Unwin Pop My Requesting Cherry

I finally got the ovaries to approach a publisher and request a book for review! I have never done that outside of Netgalley and Edelweiss. Even after over two years of blogging! Harlequin and Penguin, publishers I’ve reviewed for, actually approached me. This is what I asked Allen & Unwin for:

The Disreputable History of Frankie Landau-Banks

My bad – I didn’t realise this was actually first published in 2008 until AFTER I’d requested it. But Allen & Unwin totally validated me by approving my very first cold call request. I’m so over the moon about it!


3000 followers giveaway

The winner of the 3000 followers and Christmas Giveaway is

Szelina Boszo

Please look out for an email from me. You have 48 hours to respond.

(PS – I WAS going to draw a surprise second winner, but when I did, they hadn’t done what they’d claimed to have done, which was fan The Moonlight Library in a specific way. I’m a little sad to see this, but it’s really that person’s loss. They could have gotten a small prize as well. I refuse to let cheaters prosper.)


About Nemo

A lover of kittens and all things sparkly, Nemo has a degree in English Literature and specialises in reviewing contemporary, paranormal, mystery/thriller, historical, sci-fi and fantasy Young Adult fiction. She is especially drawn to novels about princesses, strong female friendships, magical powers, and assassins.

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3 thoughts on “December Wrap Up And Giveaway Winner

  1. Eilonwy

    I read the first two books in the Tomorrow series. I will consider trying to tackle the rest in 2015 when you do them … I found them pretty harrowing, though! I am NOT good with war stories, that’s for sure. But I’m looking forward to following your reviews whether I read along or not. Happy New Year!

    1. Nemo

      Thanks Eilonwy – it’s been a long time since I’ve read the Tomorrow series so I have no idea how I’ll react!

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