Top Ten Reasons Why I Love YA Fantasy

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Top Ten Reasons I Love YA Fantasy

YA Fantasy is my go-to. I still remember the time I found my first ever fantasy novel, and I fell deeply in love and never looked back. Since YA became an actual marketing group and it became much easier to find books targeted to a younger demographic, I have devoured them: some good, some bad, and some downright ugly.


  1. Mostly stories about girls and princesses, young and finding their way in a complicated world
  2. Often broody boys who may or may not be princes
  3. The girls are often magical
  4. The girls often come into their own power
  5. Cool magic systems
  6. Animal companions
  7. The diverse ones are getting pretty damn good
  8. When you find a good one it’s like coming home
  9. They’re like pizza, even bad ones are pretty good.
  10. I love YA fantasy specifically because it’s not as intense as adult fantasy and I don’t like facing adult problems. I deal enough with that in my real life. I like YA problems, like crushing on the cute boy.

And the final reason, being reason number 11, is that it comforts me. You can predict these stories, for the large part. You know that if a girl has to murder a boy she’s going to fall in love with him. Or if a princess has to marry a prince she’ll fall in love with his brother/childhood friend or bodyguard or captain. If the magical power is fire she’ll meet someone who is water. If the girl hunts a particular type of monster, she’ll either meet one or become one. I think I love it for its predictability, but when it’s not predictable, it’s even better.


About Nemo

A lover of kittens and all things sparkly, Nemo has a degree in English Literature and specialises in reviewing contemporary, paranormal, mystery/thriller, historical, sci-fi and fantasy Young Adult fiction. She is especially drawn to novels about princesses, strong female friendships, magical powers, and assassins.

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14 thoughts on “Top Ten Reasons Why I Love YA Fantasy

    1. Nemo

      I think at the moment it might be, but YA goes through phases. Vampire romance when Twilight came out, fallen angels shortly after that, then dystopian with The Hunger Games. I think fantasy might be king right now, but something else will come along. It always does.

  1. Poinsettia

    I agree. YA fantasy is definitely less intense than some of the adult fantasy, which is a good thing because sometimes you just want something a bit more comforting! Here is my Top Ten Tuesday.

    1. Nemo

      Sometimes I like that YA fantasy is predictable! Other times, it can be really good to think outside the box.

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