Book Blogger Confessions #8

Book Blogger Confessions is a meme every 1st and 2nd Monday hosted by Karen from For What It’s Worth and the Midnyte Reader.
It’s where book bloggers “confess” and vent about topics that are unique to us.
Feel free to share, vent and offer solutions, and remember to visit For What It’s Worth or the Midnyte Reader for other confessions!

This week’s confession:

Share the love! In honor of Valentines Day, tell us about a few of the bloggers (and/or) authors you love.


Kara @ Great imaginations

Kara has brilliant taste in books and a totally rocking blog. Recently she obtained a co-blogger, Lyn.

Belle @ Belle’s Bookshelf.

Belle is like my book blogging sister. She probably doesn’t think of me that way.

The team @ Cuddlebuggery:

So much more than just book reviews.

Also, a huge shout out of love to my most frequent commenters:

Livvy @ Nerdy Book Reviews

Chapter by Chapter

Luna’s Little Library



I can’t get enough of Lauren DeStefano. I throw her books at anyone who will stop long enough to listen to me tell them how awesome she is.

I am a Maria V Snyder groupie and I think she is amazing.

What about you? Which authors and bloggers do you love? Share the love!


About Nemo

A lover of kittens and all things sparkly, Nemo has a degree in English Literature and specialises in reviewing contemporary, paranormal, mystery/thriller, historical, sci-fi and fantasy Young Adult fiction. She is especially drawn to novels about princesses, strong female friendships, magical powers, and assassins.

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