Top Ten Books On My Winter TBR List (57)

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Top Ten Books On My Winter TBR List

Taste of Darkness (Healer, #3)
Last book in a trilogy from one of my favourite authors!
Dark Triumph (His Fair Assassin, #2)
Loved the first book, expecting great things from the second!
Assassin's Gambit (Hearts and Thrones, #1)
Won in a giveaway!
The Silver Brumby (Silver Brumby Series, #1-4)
Time for my annual summertime re-read!
Heart Burn (The 1st Freak House Trilogy #3)
My favourite indie author’s latest YA release.
Perfect Ruin (Internment Chronicles, #1)
The first in a new trilogy.
This book keeps losing out to the other books I need to read for review but I’m really looking forward to it!
Etiquette & Espionage (Finishing School, #1)
I’m really getting into cleverly written YA historicals. This one sounds amazing.
Never Fade (The Darkest Minds, #2)
I seriously need to make time for this second book in a wonderful dystopian.
Thumped (Bumped, #2)
Really looking forward to the second (and final) book in this quirky YA spoof.

About Nemo

A lover of kittens and all things sparkly, Nemo has a degree in English Literature and specialises in reviewing contemporary, paranormal, mystery/thriller, historical, sci-fi and fantasy Young Adult fiction. She is especially drawn to novels about princesses, strong female friendships, magical powers, and assassins.

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19 thoughts on “Top Ten Books On My Winter TBR List (57)

  1. Tez Miller

    I liked THUMPED, but not as much as BUMPED.

    PERFECT RUIN is on my wishlist.

    Other than those two, we don’t have any other books in common. But it’s okay to be different 😉

    1. Nemo

      It sure is OK to be different! I’ve got a gazillion other books I could have added to this list, but there are the ones I actually own and are looking forward to the most, slowly edging their ways to the top of my reading pile!

  2. Kara @ Great Imaginations

    I haven’t heard much about Never Fade. It’s like it was quietly released and no one talked about it. I have an ARC too, I just never got around to reading it because I had other ARCs I requested I had to get to first. I am looking forward to your feedback because I know nothing. And I really loved the first book too.

    1. Nemo

      Yeah you’re right, it was released really quietly. I watched the clock click down with no fanfare and picked it up in my local bookstore when I next visited. I hope I love it just as much as The Darkest Minds.

    1. Nemo

      I do, too! There’s something so raw and beautiful and heart-touching about it. I love it and am really looking forward to Perfect Ruin (which I mostly only bought because it’s a DeStefano book)!

  3. Merin

    I have Perfect Ruin on hold for me at the library! Need to remember to go pick it up tomorrow. 😛 And Dark Triumph was SO good. I liked it even more than Grave Mercy, which I didn’t think was possible, because of my love for Ismae and Duval. But Sybella is amazing!

    Happy reading!

    My TTT post

    1. Nemo

      Everyone keeps telling my Dark Triumph is better than Grave Mercy. EVERYONE. I’M SO EXCITED TO READ IT I CAN’T EVEN.

      I hope you enjoy Perfect Ruin!

  4. Camille

    Although I’m not familiar with most of them, I think you have a great list! 🙂 I’ll add some of these to my ever increasing TBR pile. Thanks for sharing.

    Here’s my TTT 🙂

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