5 Reader Stereotypes I Break


5 Reader Stereotypes I Break

Have you ever met someone and the moment that they, where they are a reader or not, find out YOU are not only a reader but a book blogger as well, they instantly make snap assumptions about you?

Have You Read…?

I find that mostly people ask me if I’ve read either the latest blockbuster or some obscure book they love. The answer of which is almost always no, because I read YA books almost exclusively. I also find that people like to share books with me and assume I’ll read anything, which I won’t. I’m actually quite picky about what I read.

I don’t like the smell of books

“All book nerds love the smell of books. It’s what makes them nerdy.”

I just don’t. I don’t like the musty smell of paper, or that distinct scent he old glue binding has. One of Hermione’s favourite scents might be fresh parchment, but it’s certainly not mine.

I don’t drink tea

“Cup of tea and a book?”

I don’t like tea. It’s just hot leaf juice. I don’t like milky tea. I don’t like coffee. I can only just now say that I have recently taken a liking to Bubble Tea, but I don’t know if that counts. I WANT to like tea – I even went into a fancy tea shop and bought the most delicious-sounding tea I could find. But it still only boiled down to hot leaf juice. So unappetizing.

I have no preference over ebooks or physical books

“Of course, if you’re a REAL reader, you’ll prefer physical copies!”

I like ebooks and physical books equally. I love the ease of use of an ebook reader and the fact that I can pack hundreds of books on to it, so I can read whatever I want whenever I want. I love that I can share my account over several devices and read on my phone, my tablet, my computer etc.

That being said, I do use physical books as trophies. If I like an ebook enough, I’ll probably buy a physical copy and use it for display as my intellectual wallpaper.

In a relationship one of you is ‘the reader’ and one of you isn’t.

“Your husband must think all this reading is weird!”

I don’t know if anyone else has ever faced this discrimination – I know that a lot of bloggers start posting because their significant other doesn’t read and they need to share all their feels. Well, my husband is a BIG reader… just not of YA books. Sometimes I’ll recommend something he’ll really enjoy, but he prefers horror and comics and big clunking fantasies with a massive cast of mostly men that I never quite saw the appeal in.

What other reader stereotypes do you break?


About Nemo

A lover of kittens and all things sparkly, Nemo has a degree in English Literature and specialises in reviewing contemporary, paranormal, mystery/thriller, historical, sci-fi and fantasy Young Adult fiction. She is especially drawn to novels about princesses, strong female friendships, magical powers, and assassins.

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4 thoughts on “5 Reader Stereotypes I Break

  1. Taneika

    “It’s just hot leaf juice” hahaha! I do love tea, but it’s so true.
    I definitely get where you’re coming from with not having a preference between e-books or physical copies. I just love both for different reasons! As for number 1. That couldn’t be more spot on. I always find people make suggestions to me as well, I look it up and find it’s really not to my taste (something non YA), I almost exclusively read YA with the occasional adult book or middle grade series but I’m quite picky when it comes to those sorts of things

  2. Clodagh

    I love tea but I can get why you wouldn’t. I also don’t have a preference for physical over ebooks – in fact I once argued with a teacher when she said, “I hope that’s not an ebook you’re reading.” (It wasn’t during a lesson, don’t worry!) I used to read anything but now I’m very picky. I have to “confess” that I’ve never read Harry Potter, for example. Nice post, kicking down stereotypes!

  3. Annie

    I don’t like the smell of books – but I do like the feel of them. I like the tactile connection to the book.

    That being said, I like ebooks and physical books *almost* the same. Physical books still have a slight edge, but I love the convenience of ebooks which is such an easy, portable library across devices. I still try to read a physical book the first time I read a story (and I have a great library that makes this possible), but then I reread on ebooks.

    1. Nemo

      Hmmm that’s funny, I think I prefer to read first an ebook and then re-read using a paperback! Maybe because if I think I’m going to re-read a book (ie love it so much I buy a copy) I’ll have the paperback copy to read.

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