Help! I’m In A Book Slump And I Can’t Get Out!

It’s halfway through the year and I have still only read a grand total of four books.

I didn’t set any resolutions for 2017, probably because just before Christmas 2016 my husband was rushed to the ER for emergency back surgery and came out of hospital two months later in a wheelchair and is still receiving rehabilitation. I guess I just had more important things to worry about like moving house and losing my job.

But since I run a book blog, and since I pay someone to host it, I still feel like I need some content on the blog to make the monthly fee worth its while.

Am I still a book blogger if I don’t post book reviews?

I don’t know if you’re aware, but I’ve noticed a lot of the book blogs I follow get less hits and less comments on their book reviews in comparison to their discussion posts. And I confess, I actually follow book blogs for their discussions. I use Goodreads exclusively to look at reviews. So if you post a book review and a discussion post, I’ll read the review on Goodreads and the discussion post on your blog.

I’m still a book blogger because I’m still talking about and promoting books. I’m actually very slowly going through my fifth book of the year, Pointe Claw, and while I’m reading it I do enjoy it, but I can only read a couple of pages once in a blue moon so it’s very slow going. Reviews are still a while off. I still love writing reviews, I just don’t have the content. That’s why I’m creating new book tags.

This is the second longest slump I’ve ever had

The first reading slump lasted almost twelve months, just after I finished my literature degree and swapped school for work, study for socialising, and moved out of home. This was roughly ten years ago. Those upheavals changed my life and I was burnt out from reading books I didn’t want to read, literary theory, thinking deeply about books and the whole shebang. I needed something mindless, easy, and page-turning to get me back into reading, and that’s when I read Twilight.

Twilight was my saving grace. After not reading for nearly a year, I read all four books in a week and a half, half-entertained by the ridiculous non-plot and its subsequent adventures, and half horrified at what the new hotness in romance was: a creepy, stalking control freak and a bland self-insertion heroine. Then I read all the Vampire Academy books and House of Night books that were published, and then I moved on from vampires to something else.

Maybe I need another Twilight?

I still WANT to read books. I’m still buying them because they sound fucking amazing, but I still retain my pickiness I developed a few years ago. There’s books I’m more excited for than others. For example, I can’t stop thinking about Poison’s Kiss by Breanna Shields. Maybe it’s my Twilight for 2017? When I finish Pointe Claw, I think I’ll give it a try. If it can help break this slump, then why not?

What’s the worst reading slump you’ve been in? How did you break it? What recommendations do you have for me?


About Nemo

A lover of kittens and all things sparkly, Nemo has a degree in English Literature and specialises in reviewing contemporary, paranormal, mystery/thriller, historical, sci-fi and fantasy Young Adult fiction. She is especially drawn to novels about princesses, strong female friendships, magical powers, and assassins.

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2 thoughts on “Help! I’m In A Book Slump And I Can’t Get Out!

  1. Michelle @ Pink Polka Dot Books

    I was in a pretty bad book slump in 2015– I got out of it by reading the first page of EVERY book that I owned and hadn’t read yet. When I did that, I discovered one that hooked me on that first page, and it took me out of my slump. Maybe you just need to find that JUST RIGHT book that you can’t put down?? Either way– you’re always a book blogger if you want to be!

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