Top Ten Favourite Books From The Last 5 Years

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Top Ten Favourite Books From The Last Five Years

Today is a throwback Top Ten Tuesday and the topic I’ve picked is my ten favourite books I’ve read in the last five years, two for each year I have been blogging. This doesn’t necessarily mean the books I pick for that year were published in that year. I am starting at 2012, the year I started blogging, and ending in 2016 since 2017 has been such a difficult year for me and I’ve read a grand total of 7 books so far, and since we’re already halfway through September, that means I’ve read less than one book per month this year, which makes me want to cry.


This is the year I read Maria V Snyder’s Poison Study. It was also the year Snyder’s second book in her Healer series, Scent of Magic, was published, and I read an ARC of it and loved it. I’m still not sure if I like the Healer series better than the Study series, but either way, both books make my list for this year and that makes both spots coveted by the same author.



This is the year of my Animorphs re-read, and I read so many fantastic books that year that it’s difficult to narrow it down to just two, but I have to pick CJ Archer’s The Wrong Girl and my re-read of Lauren Oliver’s Before I Fall.


This is the year I read Bettie Sharpe’s Ember, which is the best fairytale retelling of Cinderella I’ve ever read. I wish Sharpe hadn’t disappeared from the internet. I also ead a lot of really great books this year and the second one I’m going to pick if Juliana Haygert’s Breaking the Reins, later re-titled as Breaking Free. That means that both of my favourite books from this year were self-published. Isn’t that amazing?


This was the year that Mary Weber sent me a signed hardcover copy of Storm Siren, which turned out to be my favourite book of the year. I actually received the book in late 2014 but I was so invested in it, I wanted to love it SO MUCH that I put off reading it until 2015.

This was also the year my favourite author Heather Dixon released her much-anticipated sophomore novel Illusionarium, which I just loved so so so much.


Small-press publisher Curiosity Quills Press published my newest favourite author Andrea Berthot’s The Heartless City in 2015 and The Hypnotic City in 2016, and while The Hypnotic City is making my list, The Heartless City is being bumped for Sara Barnard’s Beautiful Broken Things. Berthot actually solicited my blog to read The Heartless City and since I loved it so much then contacted me again for The Hypnotic City, and I honestly didn’t think there could be a book much better than Heartless, but Hypnotic was just all-around amazing. I know there’s a third one in development, because I stalk Berthot.

Although honestly, 2016 was such an amazing year for my reading choices that I do have to add The Heartless City, Ruined by Amy Tintera, and A Promise of Fire by Amanda Bouchet to an honourary mentions list because it was super hard to pick which ones to be my second choice.



About Nemo

A lover of kittens and all things sparkly, Nemo has a degree in English Literature and specialises in reviewing contemporary, paranormal, mystery/thriller, historical, sci-fi and fantasy Young Adult fiction. She is especially drawn to novels about princesses, strong female friendships, magical powers, and assassins.

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