YA Chronicles December 2018 Unboxing

Wait, It’s Friday! This isn’t a book review!

I know, right? What did you do to deserve TWO unboxings in TWO weeks?

YA Chronicles is a lil off with their delivery schedule, but that’s OK, because it means you get TWO unboxings in TWO weeks.

(also I don’t have a book to review this week because reasons)

I knew the theme for this was ‘Save the Galaxy’ which is cool because I do love space-themed things and it’s fitting in with the November box theme, which was Moon.

The first thing I found in this box was the bookmark and art card, which we actually got this month! Yay! Well, kinda useless, and honestly it wouldn’t usually excite me, except that I love galaxy-coloured stuff – it’s my kindle cover!

Then there was this totally cute tote bag. Confession time: I LOVE tote bags. I don’t really use them, though, so although they’re gorgeous and there are tons of cute design out there, I don’t buy them.

And it reminds me of this:

Then there was this lovely smelling candle from Novel Scents + Co.

I don’t really ‘get’ why books and candles are supposed to go together. I think anything that has fire does not mix with my precious books. I do like candles, but I just don’t get why they pair so often with books. Maybe it’s the relaxation concept.

Anyway, this one was is called ‘Fail Class of 2109’ and it has notes of wild flower, honey, and sugar and spice. To me, it smelled a bit like a sweet Christmas.


Then there was this totally gorgeous and unexpected astronaut book light! He’s a plug in USB and you lift his visor to turn him on – the light is bright for a lil book light and my husband is totally jelly and wants him.

(I might give him to my husband)

But my husband already scored with this Red Rising inspired tea, which is  orange, hibiscus, and clove. I didn’t even give it to my husband or say he could have it. I mentioned it in the list, and then five minutes later he says to me, “Where’s my tea?”

It might have been rude, except I don’t drink tea, and I was going to give it to him anyway, he just beat me to it.

So I don’t mind.

Then there was this nifty lil letter from the author which is really nice, because I didn’t have much to go on about the book and now I’m expecting an awesome fun space heist.

And then the book! It’s The Disasters by M.K. England.

I’ve seen this book around and I almost bought it.


I’m not as enamoured of this box as I was with the last one, which I think really hinges on whether or not I am excited to read the book. I’ve seen this one around, and I didn’t buy it, or review it… which I guess tells you something?

I’ve got one more box in my subscription coming, and whether I resubscribe will probably depend on whether or not I like this final box. As with the other times I’ve subscribed, there were some good things and some not so great things. I did enjoy the Moon theme in November, but the box was super late and missing a bunch of stuff.

I do like this Save the Galaxy box, but it’s a lot of money ($40 per box not including postage) to invest in things I don’t really need. I thought it was fun to get this subscription again because I wanted to be a part of the Moon box, but I think I’d really rather spend $50 per month on books I’m actively lusting after.


About Nemo

A lover of kittens and all things sparkly, Nemo has a degree in English Literature and specialises in reviewing contemporary, paranormal, mystery/thriller, historical, sci-fi and fantasy Young Adult fiction. She is especially drawn to novels about princesses, strong female friendships, magical powers, and assassins.

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