Perpetual Page Turner’s Annual End of Year Survey

Hi kittens!

I had to go back to hospital again so instead of a book review today, I’m posting my answers to Jamie from The Perpetual Page Turner’s annual end of year survey!

I haven’t done this survey since 2016, because 2017 was a bad year of reading for me (I only read about 10 books!) and I think I forgot about it in 2018-2019.

Let’s get started!

Number Of Books You Read: 45
Number of Re-Reads: 2
Genre You Read The Most From: YA Fantasy – 21.

1. Best Book You Read In 2020?

The Shadows Between Us by Tricia Levenseller

2. Book You Were Excited About & Thought You Were Going To Love More But Didn’t?

Where Dreams Descend by Janeela Angeles

3. Most surprising (in a good way or bad way) book you read?

The Chalice and the Crown by Kassandra Flamouri – surprising in a good way!

4. Book You “Pushed” The Most People To Read (And They Did)?

I don’t know if anyone read something I recommended. If you did, please let me know in the comment below!

5. Best series you started in 2020? Best Sequel? Best Series Ender of 2020?

Best series: Daughter of the Pirate King by Tricia Levenseller

Best sequel: Honor Bound (Honors #2) by Rachel Caine and Ann Aguirre

Best series ender: Defending the Galaxy (Sentinels of the Galaxy #3) by Maria V Snyder

6. Favorite new author you discovered in 2020?

Tricia Levenseller

7. Best book from a genre you don’t typically read/was out of your comfort zone?

Animorphs the Graphic Novel #1 The Invasion by KA Applegate and Chris Grine.

8. Most action-packed/thrilling/unputdownable book of the year?

Red Hood by Elana K Arnold

9. Book You Read In 2020 That You Would Be MOST Likely To Re-Read Next Year?

The Shadows Between Us by Tricia Levenseller

10. Favorite cover of a book you read in 2020?

Defending the Galaxy (Sentinels of the Galaxy #3) by Maria V Snyder

11. Most memorable character of 2020?

  1. Nadeem from the Honors series by Rachel Caine and Ann Aguirre
  2. Alosa from the Daughter of the Pirate King series by Tricia Levenseller

12. Most beautifully written book read in 2020?

Among the Beasts and Briars by Ashley Poston

13. Most Thought-Provoking/ Life-Changing Book of 2020?

Pizza, Pincushions, and Playing it Straight by Rayne Constantine

14. Book you can’t believe you waited UNTIL 2020 to finally read?

A Thousand Pieces of You by Claudia Gray

15. Favorite Passage/Quote From A Book You Read In 2020?

“They’ve never found the body of the first and only boy who broke my heart. And they never will.”

― Tricia Levenseller, The Shadows Between Us

16.Shortest & Longest Book You Read In 2020?


The Call of the Wild by Jack London: 99 pages


Deathless Divide (Dread Nation #2) by Justina Ireland: 560 pages

How I did this: Went to my read books on Goodreads and sorted by page number and just looked for what I knew I read this year that was the shortest and longest.

17. Book That Shocked You The Most
(Because of a plot twist, character death, left you hanging with your mouth wide open, etc.)

Among the Beasts and Briars by Ashley Poston

18. OTP OF THE YEAR (you will go down with this ship!)
(OTP = one true pairing if you aren’t familiar)

My OTP is actually a trio so One True Poly?

Zara, Nadeem, and Bea in Honor Bound (The Honors #2) by Rachel Caine and Ann Aguirre


19. Favorite Non-Romantic Relationship Of The Year

Brie and Nikki Bella from their autobiography Incomparable, which I did not review.

20. Favorite Book You Read in 2020 From An Author You’ve Read Previously

Oh gosh, there’s far too many to narrow it down. Sorry!

21. Best Book You Read In 2020 That You Read Based SOLELY On A Recommendation From Somebody Else/Peer Pressure/Bookstagram, Etc.:

I saw a tweet about the Animorphs Graphic Novel, hadn’t realised it had been published (or even exists!), and bought it that day. Does that count?

22. Newest fictional crush from a book you read in 2020?

I didn’t really crush on any characters in 2020, but honourable mentions goes to:

  1. Niall from Defending the Galaxy (Sentinels of the Galaxy #3) by Maria Snyder
  2. Jase from Vow of Thieves (Dance of Thieves #2) by Mary E Pearson

23. Best 2020 debut you read?

  1. The Chalice and the Crown by Kassandra Flamouri (published in 2020)
  2. Sanctuary by Caryn Nix (published in 2018)

24. Best Worldbuilding/Most Vivid Setting You Read This Year?

A Thousand Pieces of You by Claudia Gray

25. Book That Put A Smile On Your Face/Was The Most FUN To Read?

Daughter of the Pirate King by Tricia Levenseller

26. Book That Made You Cry Or Nearly Cry in 2020?

  1. Defending the Galaxy (Sentinels of the Galaxy #3) by Maria V Snyder
  2. The Invasion (Animorphs Graphix Novel #1) by KA Applegate et al
  3. Black Beauty by Anna Sewell
  4. Song of the Dead (Reign of the Fallen #2) by Sarah Glenn Marsh
  5. Deathless Divide (Dread Nation #2) by Justina Ireland

27. Hidden Gem Of The Year?

The Chalice and the Crown by Kassandra Flamouri

28. Book That Crushed Your Soul?

Crushed by soul because it was so bad? I’d rather not say…

29. Most Unique Book You Read In 2020?

Red Hood by Elana K Arnold. It was told from second person perspective.

30. Book That Made You The Most Mad (doesn’t necessarily mean you didn’t like it)?

The Twin by Natasha Preston… the blurb did not deliver.

1. New favorite book blog/Bookstagram/Youtube channel you discovered in 2020?

Jess Owens on YouTube

2. Favorite post you wrote in 2020?

This is going to sound weird but I’m really proud of the post I wrote explaining what happened when I nearly died in August 2020.

That and my smackdown post about some guy telling reviewers how not to review.

3. Favorite bookish related photo you took in 2020?

I’m not on Instagram so pass.

4. Best bookish event that you participated in (author signings, festivals, virtual events, etc.)?

2020 was not a year for events, however I did view an online interview with Maria V Snyder that I quite enjoyed.

5. Best moment of bookish/blogging life in 2020?

I rated more books 5 stars this year than I did any other rating.

6. Most challenging thing about blogging or your reading life this year?

I got really sick and nearly died, and didn’t want to read anything much for about two months while I recovered. I had to step away from blogging for a while just because I had no energy to read let alone blog.

7. Most Popular Post This Year On Your Blog (whether it be by comments or views)?

It’s not even book related! It’s my H2O: JUST ADD WATER HAS A SUCKY THEME SONG post I wrote out of frustration.

8. Post You Wished Got A Little More Love?

What happened when I nearly died in August 2020. I mean come on, people, I NEARLY DIED and no one really seems to care?!

Comments are closed now, but I can still see how many people click on it. I guess less people care about my wellbeing than I thought.

9. Best bookish discovery (book related sites, book stores, etc.)?

I did start to spend some more time on Twitter this year, so I’m putting that here.

10. Did you complete any reading challenges or goals that you had set for yourself at the beginning of this year?

The only goal I had was my Goodreads reading challenge but that went out the window when I nearly died. I still completed it, but I lowered my expectations.

1. One Book You Didn’t Get To In 2020 But Will Be Your Number 1 Priority in 2021?

Love, Heather by Laurie Petrou.

2. Book You Are Most Anticipating For 2021 (non-debut)?

Terciel and Elinor by Garth Nix

3. 2021 Debut You Are Most Anticipating?

A Dark and Hollow Star by Ashley Shuttleworth

4. Series Ending/A Sequel You Are Most Anticipating in 2021?

I don’t think there’s anything on my list that I’m caught up on.

5. One Thing You Hope To Accomplish Or Do In Your Reading/Blogging Life In 2021?

Tick all my owed reviews off.

6. A 2021 Release You’ve Already Read & Recommend To Everyone (if applicable):

Not applicable! I’m taking a backseat on 2021 ARCs this year and the only one I have planned to read is The City of Zirdai by Maria V Snyder.


About Nemo

A lover of kittens and all things sparkly, Nemo has a degree in English Literature and specialises in reviewing contemporary, paranormal, mystery/thriller, historical, sci-fi and fantasy Young Adult fiction. She is especially drawn to novels about princesses, strong female friendships, magical powers, and assassins.

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